I am soooo mad right now! I am on the verge of tears, because I don't know what I am going to do! Here's the backstory- I have 2 bank accounts- an old one that I've bitched about for fucking up my account NUMEROUS times costing me TONS of money and bounced checks and a new, perfect account with no problems. Well, I had the old account when I started my new job. They work on direct deposit only, so I had no choice but to set it up for the old account. I opened the new one, and got the direct deposit info transferred. I was told it would take 3 pay periods for it to switch over. We're on the 4th now, and it's still not switched. But that's another battle, I suppose. Anyway, what I've been doing is the day my check posts in the old account, I've been calling and making sure of the balance, then going to my new bank and transferring the money. I write a check to myself. Today, I go to get gas, and my debit card gets denied. I go inside and make a balance inquiry- $527.52 OVERDRAWN! I was freaking out- two days ago I had $89.00 in my account and I've made no transactions, and now I'm that much in the hole? So I go to the bank. They pull up my account and tell me I'm $72.00 to the good. I deposited $400.00 this morning from the other account. So we try to figure out what the fuck is going on, while I'm trying to hold it together because I'm freaking out...and they tell me one of my previous check transfers is on hold because of insufficient funds at my old bank.
Now, I call that bank the morning the money deposits and the money is there- and now it's not? This bank has a history of doing this to me, too. And they only fix it partially- if they fuck up my account for $500, they will say "Oh, we see our error, we'll refund $140 of it." It's craziness and I hate it. I hate them- I want to blow up the bank. I hate it. I'm going to have to see if my cop can loan me the money to take care of that bounced check and then HOPE it doesn't fuck up again with today's check. I'm so pissed. I barely have the money I need to survive NOW- I'm definitely not able to come up with EXTRA money because of someone else's fuck up!
I am gonna go cry now...and wonder where in the hell I'm going to come up with the money I need...maybe I can sell eggs or something.

I am gonna go cry now...and wonder where in the hell I'm going to come up with the money I need...maybe I can sell eggs or something.

Unfortunately, though, I am presently car deficient. There are a couple of really good coffee shops in Cookeville, though. Are there very many other SGers in the area? I've met a few who claim to be members, but they don't have public profiles. (Cowards).