Now for a quick summary of my summer! *yay*
I've held a life-sucking retail job in manhatten since june, been in extensive therapy so i can learn to be a normal happy human being, changed the status of my long term relationship from serious to open, taken a major break from my photography work, and otherwise enjoyed a beautiful summer in my fantastic brooklyn abode! I guess it sounds pretty dull but really, this was exactly the summer i needed. My senior year of college starts in less than a month and by golly i am ready! bring it on sistah! this chic is ready to roll!!!
I've held a life-sucking retail job in manhatten since june, been in extensive therapy so i can learn to be a normal happy human being, changed the status of my long term relationship from serious to open, taken a major break from my photography work, and otherwise enjoyed a beautiful summer in my fantastic brooklyn abode! I guess it sounds pretty dull but really, this was exactly the summer i needed. My senior year of college starts in less than a month and by golly i am ready! bring it on sistah! this chic is ready to roll!!!

(yeah, i said it! would you like some wine with that cheese?