I really lost my mind last week....had a major emotional breakdown in fact. i suppose the stress of the end of this semester, moving into my first apartment, and a lifetime of stored up problems just finally got to me. i have to be in a lot of therapy now, but i know it is all going to be okay. my mom came up from texas to spring me out of the mental ward that my school checked me into. i'm not crazy. in fact i'm a really normal girl when it gets down to it. i'm just sad all of the time. too sad.
sorry i haven't been writing back to everyone. i appreciate every single coment and read some of them several times because they make me feel so lovely and special. I promise to try and get back on top of that so you all know i still adore you.
p.s. i'm on the MAG page!!! i just found out! go take a peak! just do eet!
sorry i haven't been writing back to everyone. i appreciate every single coment and read some of them several times because they make me feel so lovely and special. I promise to try and get back on top of that so you all know i still adore you.

p.s. i'm on the MAG page!!! i just found out! go take a peak! just do eet!
I hope things are going better. Come back to Texas soon! We can talk all about breakdowns...as you may know i had one too.
hope you're doing okay, and that you come back soon.