the rumors are true. i confess, i DID in fact fall off the planet. i'm not sure how it happened really. i mean i was chasing this ice cream truck down the road when suddenly i realized not only was it not yet summer but ice cream would be totally inappropriate to consume outside in the freezing wind and anyone devilish enough to tempt children out of their snuggly safe homes with those oh-so-familiar icecream truck tunes could certainly not be trusted to provide that creamy cool snack-on-the-go i'd been craving so desperately, when OOPS!....there went the planet. i had tripped and toppled right off!!! but fret not my dears! i must have been rescued for here i am safe and sound eager to catch up on my SG friends' lives! tah-dah!!!

Yay. You're back. I hope your set goes up soon. You are one of my favorite Limbo girls.

omg. you ARE a doll. welcome to limbo and CAN'T FUCKING WAIT! to see your set.