Tomorrow my 4th hopeful set goes live and I’m so excited to show you what I created with @atlanticlungs
please make sure you shower it with love
Tomorrow my 4th hopeful set goes live and I’m so excited to show you what I created with @atlanticlungs
please make sure you shower it with love
Stage 4 restrictions start in my state this week.
So therefore I have decided to extend my sale on my Onlyfans
50% off currently. Celebrate my new set coming out this week and see all the exclusive stuff.
For those who are a fan of my work with @kyla there’s loads of stuff on there and way more to come
Who recognises these red shoes?
I shot some really amazing content with @kyla recently. Couldn’t wait to show you guys. Who thinks we should do another Sg set together?
Also I have a sale on my Onlyfans all month long 💕
so I just finished my first live on the Hopefuls onlyfans
I had so much fun making choc banana muffins and dancing around my kitchen like a dork
Thanks to those who joined and thanks to @lemon for setting it up xox
Ps. I’m aware there’s chocolate on my face but I don’t care.. taste testing is a must
When I saw this topic a few weeks ago I knew I had to write something, it fit in with this big long spiel I went on while on live stream.
When thinking of the topic my brain can't simply go to one person, unless its myself. If anything through joining Sg as a hopefuls its helped me to re connect with a person I...
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when I said I shot loads of sets ready for you guys at shootfest I wasn’t lying.
My next set to grace your screens is first light shot by @atlanticlungs I hope you all love it.
Was the first set I shot on the day I attended shootfest
I have two more sets to come your way Also shot at shootfest, I have a set
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It’s been nearly two weeks since ripple came out and I want Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. The kind words on my most recent set Ripple Shot by @coolicio has been so incredibly overwhelming.
If you haven’t had a chance to check it out yet. Pop over and have a peek
I will have to come do another live here soon
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My new set ripple shot by @coolicio is almost here and I’m so excited to share it with you. I feel like a kid at Christmas time.
the countdown is on!
Because I felt cute ,I had to blog repeat🤣
Probably the most dressed I’ve been All week
@missy @rambo
How's everyone holding up during these crazy times we are living in?
I hope everyone is managing the best way they can.
So many of you know already I'm a girl that barely takes time to stop and smell the roses so to speak, I tend to try and fill my week so chock a block that I barely know who I am by Sunday
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