When I saw this topic a few weeks ago I knew I had to write something, it fit in with this big long spiel I went on while on live stream.
When thinking of the topic my brain can't simply go to one person, unless its myself. If anything through joining Sg as a hopefuls its helped me to re connect with a person I lost when I moved to Melbourne a few years ago. The person who was excited to shoot and the create might have decided to stay in Sydney a little while longer. I don't think it would be extreme for me to say taking a plunge to do SG 15 years after my first introduction to the site has kinda changed my life, I feel me again. This community is so welcoming and supportive of the SGS and SGH, something you don't see anywhere else as a alternative model. After 6 years of modelling and competing in tattoo model pageant style competitions I finally feel I have found my community of like minded individuals who genuinely wanted to see everyone succeed.
Prior to my first SG shoot I had already met some of the amazing photographers and models and feel blessed enough to call them my friends, but since deciding to take the leap my support network and friendship has quadrupled.
I couldn't possibly tag every single one of you in this post, its 743am, I haven't finished my first coffee and I would hate to forget someone, but know that if you are reading this and have been a apart of my circle in a positive way I thank you.
Before I sign off I can't forget to give a quick shout out to the members. The members of this community are like no other I have experienced some of the most supportive fans I have ever experienced. Everyone is so positive towards the SGs AND SGH's and their sets, I don't believe I have seen much negativity at all and thats incredible! For some of us putting ourselves out in the world in all our glory could be very daunting and takes a lot of guts, so for the support you have not only given me through here or on my onlyfans I want to thank you for the way you support each other too. That positive energy had a huge part in me finding who I was again.
As I mentioned before this topic kind of made me think of something I was saying while waffling on during a live stream.
I know we all want to be pink at the end of the day, believe me I do too , but if you get into Sg for anything please do it to be part of a amazing community, dive in head first there's so many amazing supportive people here and you are bound to make life long friends. Don't get hung up on the idea of the only goal is to be front page because that will end up being a disservice to yourself, your blinkers will be on and you will have no idea what you are missing out on.
I have waffled on enough and if you have made it this far well done, the next rounds on me.
Pic from Januarys shootfest before Rona had me on house arrest
@missy @rambo