heheheheheh oh SO CUTE!
i was standing Maya up so she could look in the mirror and she was so confused at her reflection, she tried to eat it, kiss it, hit it and was staring at it so hard! I kept kissing her and hugging her and coz she could watch it from another angle she was amazed i think! She was smiling so happy at me loving her so much. aw its times like this that take all those sleepless nights and screaming away and make all of those times mean nothing.
i was standing Maya up so she could look in the mirror and she was so confused at her reflection, she tried to eat it, kiss it, hit it and was staring at it so hard! I kept kissing her and hugging her and coz she could watch it from another angle she was amazed i think! She was smiling so happy at me loving her so much. aw its times like this that take all those sleepless nights and screaming away and make all of those times mean nothing.