I decided against going back to media markt yesterday and claiming my iPad was scratched when I unpacked it. Mainly because they were closed lol.
I went there this morning and bought a groovy red back cover plate for it which matches the smart cover on the front. The scratch will serve as a constant reminder of my idiocy and carelessness.
I also bought myself yet another external hard drive! Mainly because the one I bought specifically for over here, I left at home
I have my main 1TB DJ drive, which has less than 2GB storage space left, and to be fair, in a country where BitTorrent and usenet is legal, I think I may need more storage space! Plus, I've just unpacked it, I realised it was a USB3.0 device, but I never realised that USB3.0 was a different shape! USB1.0 and USB2.0 were exactly the same. Why change it now?
Spoke to the wife for a bit yesterday afternoon. Was good. Was nice to speak to someone
Like I say, I don't get much conversation over here, what with me not even speaking basic schoolboy German anymore
Good thing is though that I'm gonna be learning it, well, I've already started, but there's not many times that "he is eating a sandwich" or "the girl is drinking milk" crops up in conversation to be fair!
What the fucks up with the weather? Was out shopping about 10/15 minutes ago and it was glorious. Was sweating my tits off in my big jacket, so to come across the road from my apartment to the club I left my jacket, now it's raining!
Hope everyone is fine and dandy.
I can't wait for the Internet to be connected up in my apartment. Should be on this week I think. That'll save me going over to the night club and sitting in there all hours just so I have Internet access whilst I'm working on stuff!
Just looked at the packaging the back cover plate for my ipad came in... "scratch resistant coating. Featuring our revolutionary ultra durable scratch resistant coating, your coverbuddy will continue to look great day after day"
Yea, I bet I scratch the fucker by the end of the day!
I seem to have this knack with stuff like that!
Anyway, I'm gonna shut up now. Speak to y'all soon
I went there this morning and bought a groovy red back cover plate for it which matches the smart cover on the front. The scratch will serve as a constant reminder of my idiocy and carelessness.
I also bought myself yet another external hard drive! Mainly because the one I bought specifically for over here, I left at home

I have my main 1TB DJ drive, which has less than 2GB storage space left, and to be fair, in a country where BitTorrent and usenet is legal, I think I may need more storage space! Plus, I've just unpacked it, I realised it was a USB3.0 device, but I never realised that USB3.0 was a different shape! USB1.0 and USB2.0 were exactly the same. Why change it now?
Spoke to the wife for a bit yesterday afternoon. Was good. Was nice to speak to someone

Like I say, I don't get much conversation over here, what with me not even speaking basic schoolboy German anymore

Good thing is though that I'm gonna be learning it, well, I've already started, but there's not many times that "he is eating a sandwich" or "the girl is drinking milk" crops up in conversation to be fair!
What the fucks up with the weather? Was out shopping about 10/15 minutes ago and it was glorious. Was sweating my tits off in my big jacket, so to come across the road from my apartment to the club I left my jacket, now it's raining!
Hope everyone is fine and dandy.
I can't wait for the Internet to be connected up in my apartment. Should be on this week I think. That'll save me going over to the night club and sitting in there all hours just so I have Internet access whilst I'm working on stuff!
Just looked at the packaging the back cover plate for my ipad came in... "scratch resistant coating. Featuring our revolutionary ultra durable scratch resistant coating, your coverbuddy will continue to look great day after day"
Yea, I bet I scratch the fucker by the end of the day!
I seem to have this knack with stuff like that!
Anyway, I'm gonna shut up now. Speak to y'all soon