Spent the last year
Rocky Mountain Way
Couldn't get much higher
Out to pasture
Think it's safe to say
Time to open fire
And we don't need the ladies
Crying 'cuz the storie's sad
'Cuz the Rocky Mountain Way
Is better than the way we had
Well he's tellin' us this
And he's tellin' us that
Changes it every day
Say's it doesn't matter
Bases are loaded and Casey's at bat
Playin' it play by play
Time to change the batter
And we don't need the ladies
Crying 'cuz the storie's sad, uh huh
Rocky Moutain Way
Is better than the way we had
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Joe Walsh - Rocky Mountain Way
Brilliant song! The talkbox bit truly rocks in that video, possibly the best talkboxing I've ever seen! Well if not that, certainly for a good few years lol.
I'm busy trying to learn it for Tuesday night. Gonna get up onstage and play it on my trusty banjo
Hope everyone has had a good weekend.
Mine's been quite quiet.
And Annoying!!!! Spent hours today working on various artwork only to have my laptop crash, the little bastard!
Oh well.
Got one of the banners done that I last, what do ya think?
Back to work tomorrow.
It feels weird, I had a 4 day weekend last week cause of my birthday. Sometimes I wish that all weekends where that long. Then I just think that if they were then I'd wish for a 5 day weekend. Then a 6.
Hey Ho.
Speak soon y'all
Rocky Mountain Way
Couldn't get much higher
Out to pasture
Think it's safe to say
Time to open fire
And we don't need the ladies
Crying 'cuz the storie's sad
'Cuz the Rocky Mountain Way
Is better than the way we had
Well he's tellin' us this
And he's tellin' us that
Changes it every day
Say's it doesn't matter
Bases are loaded and Casey's at bat
Playin' it play by play
Time to change the batter
And we don't need the ladies
Crying 'cuz the storie's sad, uh huh
Rocky Moutain Way
Is better than the way we had
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Joe Walsh - Rocky Mountain Way
Brilliant song! The talkbox bit truly rocks in that video, possibly the best talkboxing I've ever seen! Well if not that, certainly for a good few years lol.
I'm busy trying to learn it for Tuesday night. Gonna get up onstage and play it on my trusty banjo

Hope everyone has had a good weekend.
Mine's been quite quiet.
And Annoying!!!! Spent hours today working on various artwork only to have my laptop crash, the little bastard!
Oh well.
Got one of the banners done that I last, what do ya think?

Back to work tomorrow.
It feels weird, I had a 4 day weekend last week cause of my birthday. Sometimes I wish that all weekends where that long. Then I just think that if they were then I'd wish for a 5 day weekend. Then a 6.
Hey Ho.
Speak soon y'all
the merlina banner is awsome!
yay if u come down to brighton! its a brilliant place! the summers here are amazing. so much crazy stuffs goes on!
theres plenty of good clubs here, and for the ones that are ok, you just get incredibly drunk and they magically become good! theres a really good, dirty rock club on fridays which i go to quite a lot, well, every friday!
i wudnt live anywhere else in the world but here. everyones so kool n chilled n friendly.
ud luffs it