Here I am...
Making my first blog entry onto this site that I've EVER made from the comfort of my own bedroom.
Feels good
Bout the only thing that does at the moment
One of Laura's mates (The one who went away for chrimbo and we looked after her flat) is moving out and we have been told we can have first chance of the flat. Brilliant! We've only been together 9 months but have been wanting a place of our own for a while now.
We sat and did loadsa sums. Agreed I needed a better job or another part time job.
Also agreed that we'd move in even if we'd have to eat Adsa AmartPrice noodles for ages.
I was planning it all out in my head.
I'd get the spare room to use as my computer room/music room and so planned to turn it into a mini studio where local bands/composers et all could come and record stuff for a knock down rate compared to anywhere else/anyone else. This would probably cover a couple of weeks rent for a couple o sessions.
Oh yea the rent!
It's right smack bang in the middle of town.
The flat next door is going at summit close to 600pcm.
The landlord to this flat is in his 80s (so can't be arsed really) and lives in Richmond (has no idea of what the local market is like) and is charging 350pcm.
We sat and did our sums like I said, and we were getting quite excited.
Well, that was until Laura's dad started talking to us about it.
He mentioned the one thing that we failed to think about.
House insurance!
2 words and my happy little dream world has come crashing down!
After those 2 words Laura has decided that we can't afford it and that she'd rather save and get somewhere when we have some savings <sigh>
It aint even as though the insurance would be that much!
I did a check online and the cheapest quote I got was 195!
I do understand that the cheapest aint always the best. I aint even sure if that's cheap.
But compared to what I thought it would cost it's a bargain if you ask me!
I need to talk her into it... Any suggestions?
Making my first blog entry onto this site that I've EVER made from the comfort of my own bedroom.
Feels good

Bout the only thing that does at the moment

One of Laura's mates (The one who went away for chrimbo and we looked after her flat) is moving out and we have been told we can have first chance of the flat. Brilliant! We've only been together 9 months but have been wanting a place of our own for a while now.
We sat and did loadsa sums. Agreed I needed a better job or another part time job.
Also agreed that we'd move in even if we'd have to eat Adsa AmartPrice noodles for ages.
I was planning it all out in my head.
I'd get the spare room to use as my computer room/music room and so planned to turn it into a mini studio where local bands/composers et all could come and record stuff for a knock down rate compared to anywhere else/anyone else. This would probably cover a couple of weeks rent for a couple o sessions.
Oh yea the rent!
It's right smack bang in the middle of town.
The flat next door is going at summit close to 600pcm.
The landlord to this flat is in his 80s (so can't be arsed really) and lives in Richmond (has no idea of what the local market is like) and is charging 350pcm.
We sat and did our sums like I said, and we were getting quite excited.
Well, that was until Laura's dad started talking to us about it.
He mentioned the one thing that we failed to think about.
House insurance!
2 words and my happy little dream world has come crashing down!
After those 2 words Laura has decided that we can't afford it and that she'd rather save and get somewhere when we have some savings <sigh>
It aint even as though the insurance would be that much!
I did a check online and the cheapest quote I got was 195!
I do understand that the cheapest aint always the best. I aint even sure if that's cheap.
But compared to what I thought it would cost it's a bargain if you ask me!
I need to talk her into it... Any suggestions?
if u can have a lugh and a joke through the set u know that it will show in the way you look in your photos.
aggghhhhh im so nervous lol