Someone once said that the thing about turning 30 is you'll spend a lot of time from then on doing whatever you'd been doing in your 20s. So for me that's a lot of school and selling books and walking dogs and watching movies with chickie.
I don't really sell books these days (as chickie is quick to point out, now that "didja sell some books" has long since been replaced by "didja buy some books" as the standard after work greeting). And school is done. Though I would like to get through the Personal MBA reading list. The dog's going to need lots more walking, that's a given. But sitting around watching movies feels increasingly like an endangered activity, what with chickie at school part-time, and the whole point of that being for her to pick up the skills she feels she needs before we make that big leap that puts all ambitions on hold for 18-22 years.
Such are the reflections of the no longer young.
I don't really sell books these days (as chickie is quick to point out, now that "didja sell some books" has long since been replaced by "didja buy some books" as the standard after work greeting). And school is done. Though I would like to get through the Personal MBA reading list. The dog's going to need lots more walking, that's a given. But sitting around watching movies feels increasingly like an endangered activity, what with chickie at school part-time, and the whole point of that being for her to pick up the skills she feels she needs before we make that big leap that puts all ambitions on hold for 18-22 years.
Such are the reflections of the no longer young.
And be sure to re-read the Drucker a few times. And ignore the people who disagree with him.