Came home from work and couldn't stop thinking about work. About the 3 days' worth of work I need to get done tomorrow morning. About the possibility of not taking Friday as a vacation day and working through it (though I've still got 8 vacation days to eat before April 1). About not failing. About being set up to fail. About being responsible for the whole mess, and yet not, and what it is to be for the first time or maybe to be aware for the first time of being one of the many who half-ass their way through. About the cramps in my neck and shoulders.
Walked dog to relax. Melted snow re-froze in evening cold; hard to relax when you're trying not to crack your head on the ground. Came home. Poured generous glass of wine.
Drunk now, and happy.
It's come to this at last. My unborn children, know that there was a reason, and it was as good a reason as there is for anything people do.
Walked dog to relax. Melted snow re-froze in evening cold; hard to relax when you're trying not to crack your head on the ground. Came home. Poured generous glass of wine.
Drunk now, and happy.
It's come to this at last. My unborn children, know that there was a reason, and it was as good a reason as there is for anything people do.
If you need muscle to mitigate any ill effect from the set-up, let us know.