Even though it has been a month or more I am still getting used to this new SG set up. For the most part I have the hang of it, but some things still elude me. So there were a few complaints out of me about the new format of the site, but the truth is once you get the hand of it there is a lot more to offer here in the vain of user "friendly-ness". While the rest of the site is falling into place for me there is just one problem. I can not view any videos? If I click on them the seem to, for a lack of a better way to put it, fast forward to the end with out playing. All of the programs to view/play videos on my PC are up to date (as far as I know....I have a friend who helps me with all of that lol) and there isn't anything wrong with the comp. itself as my brother (a licensed tech.) looked it all over just a week ago and gave it a clean bill of health. SO...any ideas from anyone? The videos aren't all that this site has to offer, but it would be nice if they worked for me.
I any case, this site is amazing. Old or new version it doesn't matter to me. It isn't just the women. It is the whole picture for me. This site is so not what people would expect me to be a part of. Most view me as a fairly shy, quit, okay...someone uptight, conservative (Libertarian) type who shuns "provocative" subject matters. The thing is I am. (wow...this is turning into a regular blog here..humm) SG isn't my "walk on the wild side" or my way of rebelling against who I have come to be in life. There is just something that drew me in about this site when I learned of it a few years ago and then finally got up the courage to get a subscription (yes..I said courage lol). Again it isn't just them women. Well that does have a good deal to do with it, but the site has so much more to offer. Can't quite put a finger on what, but it is there lol.
So here, muscles that I normally do not flex do get a bit of a work out. My shy nature goes by the wayside for a little while and my uptight-ness comes a little unwound. Just a little, I don't want to lose my spring. In other words I am happy that I spend my time and money on SG. Alright, this wasn't supposed to be a real blog/rant so i will end this here. Hopefully there is an answer to my video question and or I work it out myself in some fashion. Hope everyone that reads this is well.