So there has been a lot going on in my life right now. Some in it have come back. Some have left. One for good. Or for now depending how you look at it. Anyway. My apologies to those who have followed me or I have followed. That is to say If i haven't followed back, thanked you or contemned in some way. As the...
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I post this far to much. I need to get my act together lol. However, having said that...I still offer my apologies to those who have followed me and have not received a reply. I hope to get back to everyone in the next few days. What can I say , but New Job and few hours of my own time left.
Please forgive me for not getting back to you. I realize I don't have to apologizes all of the time , but still in all it is rude. No excises this time though. HAHA. Seriously though...a ton of silly, little shit which is all amounting to a huge headache. I will endeavor to get back to all of you. Not that there is very many...
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I am hoping it isn't my computer. Everything seems to be moving slower and I keep getting "bad gateway" upon going to another page.
it up to me being a little lazy and busy at the same time. I WILL get back to you all.
Even though I have been on and commented on other's pictures and so forth, for one reason or another I have neglected my responses. Call it busy, call it forgetfulness, call me a rebel or what you will. In short sorry & I will endeavor to get back to every one. Not that there is that many of you lol.
Even though it has been a month or more I am still getting used to this new SG set up. For the most part I have the hang of it, but some things still elude me. So there were a few complaints out of me about the new format of the site, but the truth is once you get the hand of it there is...
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