Well I am slowly but surely regain control over my own life:
*I have a new job. It pays very well which makes up for the less than perfect hours.
*Uni is over and done with in 2 weeks. I still have some outstanding assignments and exams but they bother me less as I seriously doubt I will ever return to this degree (it seems...
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*I have a new job. It pays very well which makes up for the less than perfect hours.
*Uni is over and done with in 2 weeks. I still have some outstanding assignments and exams but they bother me less as I seriously doubt I will ever return to this degree (it seems...
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Finally renewed my membership, damn unemployment. Still without job however. I've applied to about 9. Got repsonses and done interviews for 2. Now if one of those 2 would fucking contact me that would be great. I hate being the house-husband.
Uni sux. Too many assignments, too many deadlines, not enough motivation.
I think I might actually make an effort of using this journal...
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Finally renewed my membership, damn unemployment. Still without job however. I've applied to about 9. Got repsonses and done interviews for 2. Now if one of those 2 would fucking contact me that would be great. I hate being the house-husband.
Uni sux. Too many assignments, too many deadlines, not enough motivation.
I think I might actually make an effort of using this journal...
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Damn I've turned into my Dad, a stressed out old insomniac who's body is falling apart. Between work, uni and bills I've always got something on my mind. I hate realising that I'm an adult now.
Plans for this week:
-complete assignments
-get back into weights gtraining routine
-get 3 more clients
-achieve enlightnment
...I reckon I can get 3 out of 4.
Plans for this week:
-complete assignments
-get back into weights gtraining routine
-get 3 more clients
-achieve enlightnment
...I reckon I can get 3 out of 4.

welcome to adulthood, it sucks but it has its perks too...
Assignments are the devil...especially overdue ones, slowly but surely i'm finishing it but I'm so easily distracted, especially by a web page full of hot chickies
Must...strive...to complete...assign-ooh look, boobies!

Must...strive...to complete...assign-ooh look, boobies!

I know the feeling, regretfully I handed in my assignment 9 days late. If I hadn't have joined SG it would have only been 7 days late.
Sitting on my arse procrastinating and getting to know my SG site a little better. I never thought I'd evewr actually use this journal but its nice to be able to put my thoughts into words every now and again.
I'm currently re-excited about the trip my lil spunk and i are planning to Japan next year. The lure of foreign lands is to strong...
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I'm currently re-excited about the trip my lil spunk and i are planning to Japan next year. The lure of foreign lands is to strong...
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Have fun over in Nippon. Been there southern side is awesome.
I couldn't help myself sorry
but the suspence was killing me so I caved and posted
Welcome back Lolly and Farewell Rocketter Hookup
I hope this works for you cheers mate

but the suspence was killing me so I caved and posted
Welcome back Lolly and Farewell Rocketter Hookup
I hope this works for you cheers mate
My PT business is slowly picking up, its funny to think that 30mins of my time is now worth $40 to some people, go figure. As a bonus I get to spend 5 days a week at the gym so I no longer have an excuse to get fat.

yeah we do have a mean streak, it comes with the job. but you should see what we do to ourselves.
...i'm gonna be feeling owwy all over for the rest of the week.

...i'm gonna be feeling owwy all over for the rest of the week.
i wish i was motivated to use the gym in my building

This isn't gonna be much of a journal entry cos I know I'll never update it. I'm always too busy and my life really isn't that interesting. Anyhoo, a little on myself. I just started work in a gym as personal trainer and am looking forward too building up a good business from shouting at people and torturing them for my own good. I live...
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