dude that is so fucking dope!
yeah I remember you telling me he played in the past. does he have XBL? if so you should give me his gamertag, i'd love to play him in some HD:R or SF4 if hes into it.
So, the past couple weeks I have been dealing with WAY too much shit. End result, I just need to get laid. A no strings fuck. Sadly, I know no women who are capable of this. I'm loosing my fucking mind with all of this crap and I just know that a good release will put shit right.
So, on friday I woke up at about 8am. I had the day off because of the state employee furloughs (grrr). Got my work out in, did a bunch of yard work and weed control. Took my friend to the train station then went out that night. I didnt fall asleap until last night at about 2am. Before going to bed my mind started to...
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You're silly, but I love you anyway.

And yes, things are going well. You need to meet Eric here pretty soon. Don't be surprised; personality-wise, I found a male version of myself.

So yes, soon.
So I guess a mini update is in order.

Since the last time I was active here I have had knee surgery, moved out of downtown into an apartment near Carmichael, moved out of that apartment, bought a house in Antelope, worked a state job for the past year and 8 months, and finally got a vehicle that is reliable enough to take on long...
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Sooooooooooooo, some kind sould reactivated my SG account for 3 months.

Whats going on? Whats new?
hey bro, long time no see!
I have it on 360. If you get online, my gamertag is IGP510.
I am leaving SG. Not like many people here keep in touch but thought I would say good bye. I love the girls and I have fun meeting the people that I have met through the site. Sadly I can not fund a huge corporation that will willingly try to put other smaller operations out of business by dragging out legal proceedings knowing the smaller...
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frown i'll miss yah V
Dang. Come hang out more. I sent you all of my contact info. You are always welcome at SGSac events anytime in the future. Keep in touch.

Just saw an SG add at the top of the page for the new Megadeth album. Rock on!

Got the new Megadeth album "United Abominations" today. It rocks; it's a good old school metal album.

Took two state tests online today. Got a 90% on the office assistant test and 85% on the office technician test. Monday I have to go to an office downtown to take a typing test just in case I get asked to provide the test during an interview....
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So yesterday I had a total Megadeth nerd moment... Back in 1997 Chaos Comics printed 4 Megadeth comic books titled "The Cryptic Writings of Megadeth". Each book has 4 songs that they took the lyrics from and drew out stories for them. I would have bought them when they were released but in '97 I was only 13 and had no cash flow. Since then...
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VNV Nation West Coast tour dates...

25 Jun 07 - USA : San Francisco (CA), The fillmore (All Ages)
26 Jun 07 - USA : Orangevale (CA), The Boardwalk (All Ages)

BOARDWALK?!?! Just wow, if any big band from the genre is going to play a venue in Sacramento, why make it the Boardwalk? I had heard rumors of them coming to Sacramento but I...
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The Boardwalk!? Jesus christ..well at least it's a small venue.