Yesterday I was at the gas station and some redneck in a rusted out pick-up filled with junk pulled up to the pump right next to me. This fine specimen of humanity proceeded to pull out an empty plastic milk container and started filling it with good ole highly explosive gasoline... while a lit cigarette dangled precariously from his lip the entire time. I was dumbfounded by this, so when he started trying to talk me into buying some of the worthless stolen shit piled in the bed of his truck, all I could think to do was snap "Hell no," and run directly away from the gas pumps in hopes of avoiding firey death.
Then, several blocks away, I was driving down a city street and some woman just pulls out into traffic without even a sideways glance towards the rapidly oncoming cars (notably, my car) and just glides down the road as if it was everyone's civic duty to avoid wrecking into her dumb ass. After slamming on my brakes to avoid disaster, I laid on the horn and tailgated her down the street and she didn't even flinch. And if that wasn't bad enough, immediately afterward some cadillac with a "W" sticker decided to try to squeeze around me on the right as I was already turning right from the correct turn lane.
This was all capped off by last night's events of 4:30 AM when our wonderfully considerate white trash neighbors pulled up right outside our bedroom window and sat in their car with the doors open, absolutely blaring some kind of hardcore music that would have made Beavis cringe, for at least 20 minutes until they peeled out across the parking lot and left.
God Damn, I hate rednecks. If you ask me, Sherman and his troops had the right idea. Fuck the south, fuck it up its stupid hick ass.
This journal entry has been brought to you by irritability, insomnia, and the inability to score a sack.
Then, several blocks away, I was driving down a city street and some woman just pulls out into traffic without even a sideways glance towards the rapidly oncoming cars (notably, my car) and just glides down the road as if it was everyone's civic duty to avoid wrecking into her dumb ass. After slamming on my brakes to avoid disaster, I laid on the horn and tailgated her down the street and she didn't even flinch. And if that wasn't bad enough, immediately afterward some cadillac with a "W" sticker decided to try to squeeze around me on the right as I was already turning right from the correct turn lane.
This was all capped off by last night's events of 4:30 AM when our wonderfully considerate white trash neighbors pulled up right outside our bedroom window and sat in their car with the doors open, absolutely blaring some kind of hardcore music that would have made Beavis cringe, for at least 20 minutes until they peeled out across the parking lot and left.
God Damn, I hate rednecks. If you ask me, Sherman and his troops had the right idea. Fuck the south, fuck it up its stupid hick ass.
This journal entry has been brought to you by irritability, insomnia, and the inability to score a sack.
Thanks homie

I'm reading all Chandler again these last weeks. I can't tell you or anyone else well enough how awesome Long Goodbye is compared to any other American novel -- ever. But since everyone else won't know what the hell I'm talking about, I am telling you, Doghizzle.