...and the seven thunders utter...
"...an illiterate gamer squaring off against a foreign hater on an internet movie forum over the relative non-merits of the latest Paul W.S. Anderson geeksploitation flick. It's kinda like if William Hung challenged the Star Wars Kid to a fight to the death with Hello Kitty vibrators at Anthro-Con."
-the best analogy I've ever come up with, in reference to a really stupid flame war I once read on a well-known geek movie site.
Sometimes I honestly love living in a dystopic, post-modern pop culture.
"...an illiterate gamer squaring off against a foreign hater on an internet movie forum over the relative non-merits of the latest Paul W.S. Anderson geeksploitation flick. It's kinda like if William Hung challenged the Star Wars Kid to a fight to the death with Hello Kitty vibrators at Anthro-Con."
-the best analogy I've ever come up with, in reference to a really stupid flame war I once read on a well-known geek movie site.
Sometimes I honestly love living in a dystopic, post-modern pop culture.