-Agnes Repplier, Times and Tendencies
-Agnes Repplier, Times and Tendencies

I suppose this will teach me to leave my account logged in.
I'm not sure how I feel about this but I'm changing my profile picture for the time being to better reflect this shift.
Chew-backa, gawd dammit!
i forgot to laugh at you for leving your account open. silly me.
you got pwn3d!!
i look forward to seeing her "imabigpoopyheadwhopoopsthenieatmyownpoop" username.
that'll show them duke boys.

"I," she told him, "can believe anything. You have no idea what I believe."
"I can believe things that are true and I can believe things that aren't true and I can believe things where nobody knows if they're true or not. I can believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny and Marilyn Monroe and the Beatles and...
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Also, just wanted to check and see if Jovia is ok? That stuff with her mom sounds pretty rough.
Hope you guys are doin fab.
I especially like the idea of jade being dragon sperm.
without a strong rhyme to step to
think of how many weak posts you slept through
Time's up; sorry I kept you
thinkin of this, ya keep repeatin ya miss
the rhymes of the suicide plagiarist
So you sit by the 'puter with your hand on the mouse, soon
as you load it, pump up the......
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all ive been getting is commercial, lately

what my brother here means to say is that we felt that the institution no longer had anything to offer us.

[Edited on Apr 10, 2005 1:41AM]

other than that, sitting back, relaxin, watchin olde school reruns. good times them!
Glad to hear things are good your way...

oh yeah, had another dream about Apnea last night, and man was this one weird...

[Edited on Apr 10, 2005 7:47AM]
Saw Sin City. Loved it. Well, fanboy nitpicking aside, I loved it, but if you want a more involved review, apparently you can go ask supernintendo, cause his take on the movie was just about exactly the same as mine. Don't get me...
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And now, when Doghouse grows angry or outraged, a startling metamorphosis occurs.
The creature is wanted for a murder he didn't commit. Doghouse is believed to be dead, and he must let the world think that he is dead, until he can find a way to control the raging spirit that dwells within him.

I realize this sounds like a Monty Python skit (and may possibly have been one) but it was actually a blast.
We'd basically try and get around our entire neighborhood at night without being seen by anyone and the real challenges were cars and headlights so we'd be doing ridiculous things like walking slowly around a telephone pole as a car drove by in the opposite direction.
The best part was when we got chased - it happened a few times.
Didn't you know? We're all just grown up amalgams of our childhood pranks. Amplified. (Explains the current political situation at least)

Can't blame the internet for being the internet. And, shit, it's not like this is the Yahoo message boards or some other really repugnant yang. I'm just tired of feeling like the word of the day is "stagnant."
So today shall be seized and interrogated and made to spill magic beans....
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i think i get what youre saying. like when people take pokes at ridiculosly soft targets. then everyone obligatorily chimes in to give them the interweb slap on the back.
you can tell who takes the filters off their posts, and just lets there nerdieness, stoicism, or just un-hipness shine through.
those are to people that really make me cover my mouth and laugh.
it certainly is Run's house.
mmmm on a stick.
bar b qued.
I am finding myself highly unimpressed with the general populace of SG lately. Maybe it's just the natural curse of the internet message board phenomenon, but the attitudes and expressions of opinion that make up this place just seem exceedingly average of late. Kind of like eavesdropping on a conversation happening outside of a...
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I miss home. I miss my friends. I want the best of both worlds, I want the absence of both evils, and I'll never understand why I should ever have to settle for less.
That was beautiful and tragic and telling and vague all at once. I love it and I hope I'm cool enough to not be one of the mediocre people you're talking about. I so want to steal ^^^ that and keep it for myself.
....predictably bland, clique-ish, and peppered with myopic hipster snark ..... Too much exaggerated mediocrity being touted as greatness. Too little substance sealed in an excess of bright plastic packaging. Hostility and condescension masquerading as wit and enlightenment....
this has to be one of the best sumaries of the internet I have ever read! I couldn't have put it better if I tried! It's a shame really, it wasn't always this way.
And to finalise:
You better beleive it!
btw, thanks for the cheers, things are looking better already! I'll fill you in when I gots a sec or two!
[edited b/c i can't typ]
[Edited on Mar 23, 2005 4:21PM]
Judge me however you will... but this is the best news I've heard all week.
HBO renews "The Wire" for a fourth season in 2006.
Happy days are here again.

come on, stay awake.
she said it was you, man. she loves you!
c'mon stay with me........

Richie would have Seths back. so thats kinda redundant.
but he would also commit a sex-crime.