wow, i have subjected myself to alot of beatings in my life, but DAMN, i feel like i just crawled out of a car accident
our fiffteen minutes of madness held more carnage than the entire roller derby (wich had more bloodshed than i expected) we were actually cut off, due to the fact that concession sales were practically non-existant during our "intermission" (i.e. the stands remained packed) infact i never heard the crowd go THAT crazy for the rest of the night (and we only had like four sets of boobs) MAN i have the coolest girlfriend in the world
maby it was all the whiskey or the adrenalin, but hearing 2000+ fans screaming ZOOBOMB! made me want to piss myself.... in a good way

our fiffteen minutes of madness held more carnage than the entire roller derby (wich had more bloodshed than i expected) we were actually cut off, due to the fact that concession sales were practically non-existant during our "intermission" (i.e. the stands remained packed) infact i never heard the crowd go THAT crazy for the rest of the night (and we only had like four sets of boobs) MAN i have the coolest girlfriend in the world

Dude! You were there last night? You were one of those maniacs on the bikes? I never even recognized you. I feel so dumb. Awesome, unbelievable show. How did you hook up with that group? Were those zoo-bombers? I never got a good read on how, or if, the cyclists tied into the derby girls.
What are you talking about? I'm intrigued.