Thanks Sicily,
I spent 4 hours tonight writing about character, only ultimately to give it up to Sly's "Everybody is a Star."
Character's a Freak Flag. Fly it if you want.
By the way, if you wish, one of those masturbation sightings can be arranged for you.
(Believe me, this version is much better than the 4 hours of masturbation that preceded it. Just need Sly and the Family to wise me up.)

3 p.m. Saturday
Just some much needed chilling here with Strays, Jane's Addiction CD. Must say, I dig it a lot. "Just Because" is a cool song, and the whole CD rocks. Just picked it up recently.
Finished up on my lower back Lotus and Fire tattoo this morning, and took in the Diane Arbus exhibit at the MOMA with my friend Emily.
No Pain No Gain
This is really my second significant tattoo experience, and I have to say it fucking hurt this time. My first tattoo is on my upper back area and not quite as big as this one. Didn't bother me the first time, but this one, four hours in the chair over yesterday and today did. At least it looks awesome.
I've been Arbus fan since 70's, and the exhibit does not disappoint. Maybe it's revisionist history, but I kinda think of her now as the flip-side or the anti-dote, to the Andy Warhol phenomenon.
America on parade. Freaks in your face. They are the show, not Arbus or her camera. The great disappearing intermediary. Transparent and real.
And, ultimately so true to the photographer. I feel like we see what she saw.
But the paradox for me is how much and how little it gives us about her. In one sense, it offers us HER minds eye. Her camera obscura. But I get nothing of her. What did she feel? Why did she shoot this way or that?
Emily is totally cool, a good friend. On some level, I probably feel lust for her, but it's more mental than physical. It's nice. It feels different with her, kind of like I am powerless. I like it. It's true, of course. And, I just try to please her. I can be free of my own desires and shit. It's an interesting feeling. We all serve somebody I guess.
Ok, have a good Saturday night, and be goooood.