well fuck me sideways and paint me red!
i can`t go anywhere me!!!
after dying my hair green on thursday night i hit the town with my little sister, all was good in the pub then we went out to a shitty little bar called friars! well well well i got helluva shitfaced an in far too many fights that i care to mention, then bored of the fightin, me and our kid decide to fuck off home, untill well encounter a scally in the street who headbutted me in the cheek (the fuckin cheek for christs sake) then when i took a pissed up swing for him over balanced and fell on my arse, when him an his mate started kickin me in the head and neck! i gets up to spy one of the inbred warrington locals punchin my sister in the fuckin nose (alright i don`t have many social graces but i know you don`t hit women!) we ends up in casualty gettin checked out, turns out our kids nose got broke and my skull got fractured in about 4 places fuckin marvellous! but all in all i had a great night!! i think i just got rid of my concussion and am feelin good! whats up with everyone else!!!
i can`t go anywhere me!!!
after dying my hair green on thursday night i hit the town with my little sister, all was good in the pub then we went out to a shitty little bar called friars! well well well i got helluva shitfaced an in far too many fights that i care to mention, then bored of the fightin, me and our kid decide to fuck off home, untill well encounter a scally in the street who headbutted me in the cheek (the fuckin cheek for christs sake) then when i took a pissed up swing for him over balanced and fell on my arse, when him an his mate started kickin me in the head and neck! i gets up to spy one of the inbred warrington locals punchin my sister in the fuckin nose (alright i don`t have many social graces but i know you don`t hit women!) we ends up in casualty gettin checked out, turns out our kids nose got broke and my skull got fractured in about 4 places fuckin marvellous! but all in all i had a great night!! i think i just got rid of my concussion and am feelin good! whats up with everyone else!!!

&secondly i dont think id survive a night out with u!