So I'm sitting here listening to 'The Start', eating Farley's Rusks, and I've just been reading a pamphlet entitled 'SEX and DIABETES'. Just setting the scene.
I got a job. My very first job!
I went down to Bristol all on my own for 3 whole days so that I could be trained up for it.
And when I arrived, I sat in at a table for 1 in a noodle bar and ate roast duck with ginger and I sat back and thought, 'I'm an adult!'
When you're totally alone in another part of the country waiting to be trained for your very first job, it's difficult not to think that. Although the thing that struck me most was that I was not scared.
I wasn't nervous or worried. I just felt at ease

Pictures from Bristol...

Yep, so after my roast duck and photography excursion, I went back to the hostel and prepared myself for bed.
It was an early start the next day and I wanted maximum napping.
10 minutes later and my roommate walked in.

His name was Simon and he was there for training too. He seemed really nice and we got on well.
We talked and he told me that he was doing the job because he wanted to raise money for the Terrence Higgins Trust because he was gay and had HIV.
We started talking about men and how they were portrayed in TV shows. It turns out that he used to work on Canal Street back in Manchester and he was paid to appear in Queer As Folk! Strange.
Anyway, I could tell he was getting a bit excited by all the sex talk so I decided it was time to shut up and told him I was going to sleep.
The lights went out and 15 minutes later I heard him wanking.

I thought, 'Ahh I'll pretend I'm asleep. He'll be finished in a moment...'
But just then he got up and crossed the room towards my bed!
I had my eyes shut tight but I could hear him furiously tugging away. Dirty bitch!
He went back to his bed when I pretended to stir.

I thought I was safe.
But nay!
He got up again and once again crossed to my side of the room.
This time he knelt by the middle of my bed and I was like, 'WTF?! Whatchu doin'?!'
He began softly lifting the sheets and watching to see if I woke up.
I thought, 'Enough is e-fucking-nough!' and pretended he'd woken me up.
I pushed down the sheets and he looked startled.
"What the...? What are you doing?!"
"Err... I was just going to wake you up with a blow job. I thought you wanted me to...?"
No. I really didn't. Ya big, gay bear.
I told him to go back to bed and not to bother me with blow job offers again.
He said he wouldn't.
Breakfast the next morning was slightly awkward.
We managed to talk about nothing but how nice the cereal was for at least 20 minutes.

Yeh, the training went absolutely fine. Better than 'fine'.
I really got into it and I was doing well. I think.
The following 2 days passed rather quickly and I caught the train back to Leeds to finally get some much-needed sleep.
The next morning, I started my job and met my team.
They were all lovely. I couldn't have imagined nicer people.
And a couple of them were rather attractive too. Always a bonus.
The hours were long and the job itself was so fucking tiring!
It ended up being a 12+ hour day. I woke up at 07:00 and didn't get back home until 20:00 or 21:00.
For your first job, I think you'll agree that that's difficult.
Especially when you're diabetic and have to fit in your injections, mealtimes, and snacks around it.
And when your job entails standing up the entire time and jumping around a lot... It equals disaster.

After the first two days, I was feeling confident that I could do the work if only the hours were drastically shorter.
Friday night, I felt like I wanted to die. Really did
I spent Saturday and Sunday pretty much in bed the whole time.
Actually Saturday night, Kit and I got talking and there was crying. I was telling her about how difficult I was finding not only the job but just life in general.
She's not been having the best luck in her life recently and it's been getting her down too.
We ended up taking some drugs and forgetting our woes! Yay.
tbp278 joined us a bit later on too.
I got dressed up as a girl in Kit's clothes and make-up and had a shave. It was a lot of fun!
I've always found crossdressing/androgyny/transgenderism an interesting concept. Really kinda cool.
Some pictures...
(They are also on Kit's journal)

Hehe, hairy chest =
Yeh, so I think that really cheered us both up. tbp278 as well I bet!
It was definitely the best night I've had in AGES!
Umm... Sunday, my parents drove over to get me an upgrade on my phone and to spend a bit of time with me and pick up some stuff.
It was really nice. No phone upgrade though. The O2 computers got mixed up.
On Monday, I went into work and spoke to my 'boss'.
(The word 'boss' gets put in inverted commas because he was so nice that he couldn't be bossy even if he tried. He's just too lovely.)
We had a long chat and decided it was best if I handed in my notice.
The job was just making me ill and definitely wasn't something I could keep up forever. It was ruining my health and making me feel like shit.
So he said I could leave at lunchtime. He would give me the money for a ticket home and I could just go.
But I felt rude so I said I'd work for the rest of the day.
Gah, it was a difficult day.
I very almost got two people to re-sign up but they both ran away just at the very last moment.
At least I don't have to go back again!

I seem to have so many things clogging up my calendar in the coming weeks. But when I actually look at it, it's not really that much.
I feel busy but I'm not. I guess I'm just flustered and stressed.
At least I'm still here

I got a job. My very first job!
I went down to Bristol all on my own for 3 whole days so that I could be trained up for it.
And when I arrived, I sat in at a table for 1 in a noodle bar and ate roast duck with ginger and I sat back and thought, 'I'm an adult!'
When you're totally alone in another part of the country waiting to be trained for your very first job, it's difficult not to think that. Although the thing that struck me most was that I was not scared.
I wasn't nervous or worried. I just felt at ease

Pictures from Bristol...

Yep, so after my roast duck and photography excursion, I went back to the hostel and prepared myself for bed.
It was an early start the next day and I wanted maximum napping.
10 minutes later and my roommate walked in.

His name was Simon and he was there for training too. He seemed really nice and we got on well.
We talked and he told me that he was doing the job because he wanted to raise money for the Terrence Higgins Trust because he was gay and had HIV.
We started talking about men and how they were portrayed in TV shows. It turns out that he used to work on Canal Street back in Manchester and he was paid to appear in Queer As Folk! Strange.
Anyway, I could tell he was getting a bit excited by all the sex talk so I decided it was time to shut up and told him I was going to sleep.
The lights went out and 15 minutes later I heard him wanking.

I thought, 'Ahh I'll pretend I'm asleep. He'll be finished in a moment...'
But just then he got up and crossed the room towards my bed!
I had my eyes shut tight but I could hear him furiously tugging away. Dirty bitch!
He went back to his bed when I pretended to stir.

I thought I was safe.
But nay!
He got up again and once again crossed to my side of the room.
This time he knelt by the middle of my bed and I was like, 'WTF?! Whatchu doin'?!'
He began softly lifting the sheets and watching to see if I woke up.
I thought, 'Enough is e-fucking-nough!' and pretended he'd woken me up.
I pushed down the sheets and he looked startled.
"What the...? What are you doing?!"
"Err... I was just going to wake you up with a blow job. I thought you wanted me to...?"
No. I really didn't. Ya big, gay bear.
I told him to go back to bed and not to bother me with blow job offers again.
He said he wouldn't.
Breakfast the next morning was slightly awkward.
We managed to talk about nothing but how nice the cereal was for at least 20 minutes.

Yeh, the training went absolutely fine. Better than 'fine'.
I really got into it and I was doing well. I think.
The following 2 days passed rather quickly and I caught the train back to Leeds to finally get some much-needed sleep.
The next morning, I started my job and met my team.
They were all lovely. I couldn't have imagined nicer people.
And a couple of them were rather attractive too. Always a bonus.
The hours were long and the job itself was so fucking tiring!
It ended up being a 12+ hour day. I woke up at 07:00 and didn't get back home until 20:00 or 21:00.
For your first job, I think you'll agree that that's difficult.
Especially when you're diabetic and have to fit in your injections, mealtimes, and snacks around it.
And when your job entails standing up the entire time and jumping around a lot... It equals disaster.

After the first two days, I was feeling confident that I could do the work if only the hours were drastically shorter.
Friday night, I felt like I wanted to die. Really did

I spent Saturday and Sunday pretty much in bed the whole time.
Actually Saturday night, Kit and I got talking and there was crying. I was telling her about how difficult I was finding not only the job but just life in general.
She's not been having the best luck in her life recently and it's been getting her down too.
We ended up taking some drugs and forgetting our woes! Yay.
tbp278 joined us a bit later on too.
I got dressed up as a girl in Kit's clothes and make-up and had a shave. It was a lot of fun!
I've always found crossdressing/androgyny/transgenderism an interesting concept. Really kinda cool.
Some pictures...
(They are also on Kit's journal)

Hehe, hairy chest =

Yeh, so I think that really cheered us both up. tbp278 as well I bet!
It was definitely the best night I've had in AGES!
Umm... Sunday, my parents drove over to get me an upgrade on my phone and to spend a bit of time with me and pick up some stuff.
It was really nice. No phone upgrade though. The O2 computers got mixed up.
On Monday, I went into work and spoke to my 'boss'.
(The word 'boss' gets put in inverted commas because he was so nice that he couldn't be bossy even if he tried. He's just too lovely.)
We had a long chat and decided it was best if I handed in my notice.
The job was just making me ill and definitely wasn't something I could keep up forever. It was ruining my health and making me feel like shit.
So he said I could leave at lunchtime. He would give me the money for a ticket home and I could just go.
But I felt rude so I said I'd work for the rest of the day.
Gah, it was a difficult day.
I very almost got two people to re-sign up but they both ran away just at the very last moment.
At least I don't have to go back again!

I seem to have so many things clogging up my calendar in the coming weeks. But when I actually look at it, it's not really that much.
I feel busy but I'm not. I guess I'm just flustered and stressed.
At least I'm still here

You should definitly print some off those pics from bristol, they are awesome.
My Dad used to work at the! But he retired a few months ago. He's a lot happier thank god!!! Thankyou for the comment about my hair, i'm so pleased everybody likes it