Todays forecast: Mostly sunny with a Mosquito factor of 98. Dont leave your home without ample protection.
Thats what the weatherman should be telling us. I think its time to start treating those pesky little winged monsters as a weather phenomenon and start warning people about how bad they are and to what degree different areas are infested.
In the winter we have the wind...
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Thats what the weatherman should be telling us. I think its time to start treating those pesky little winged monsters as a weather phenomenon and start warning people about how bad they are and to what degree different areas are infested.
In the winter we have the wind...
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i order you to update NOW...

Love the wolverine hair, you darn Hippie! Uh oh...I don't know where that came from...but what the day she was here..then BAM, no more Kasangi.....hrmmmm
*giggles* I still get a good chuckle every time I see that picture


I giggled for 20 minutes over this picture
By the way - when you gonna come out with us Sask SGs so I can finally meet you?

I giggled for 20 minutes over this picture

By the way - when you gonna come out with us Sask SGs so I can finally meet you?


cheers thanks for that mate, mind you some cheese tastes better with a bit of age haha
Well ya see that woulda been the smart thing to do. But I wasnt thinking clearly, all raged out I think. Anger controlled me and the only thing I could really think of was tearing that mans face off. And not letting anyone get in my way, a clearer head would have helped, but well its a little late for that now!
I was on my way down to comment and I couldn't help but giggle at whitewidow's animation. I think it's adorable.
I think I need to figure out how to make animations.. Obviously, one can do some pretty funny tyhings with them..
Your Star Wars collection is impressive. My friends' step dad has an entire cieling high cabinet filled with Star Wars stuff.. Everytime we go there, I say hello to the Wookies.
What Dreams May Come is a very sad, but extremely beautiful movie. I wish I could live in a lovely place like that without having to die first.
Do you know how many times I've dug in my nose? Like anything will stop me....

I think I need to figure out how to make animations.. Obviously, one can do some pretty funny tyhings with them..

Your Star Wars collection is impressive. My friends' step dad has an entire cieling high cabinet filled with Star Wars stuff.. Everytime we go there, I say hello to the Wookies.
What Dreams May Come is a very sad, but extremely beautiful movie. I wish I could live in a lovely place like that without having to die first.
Do you know how many times I've dug in my nose? Like anything will stop me....

I'm a gonna go to hell when I die.
Level Five to be specific. Where are you gonna go? Find out how close of neighbors we'll be.

I'm of to the second level.... of Lust... I suppose that's fitting... but I was sure I'd be at the Gluttonos level.
you have come to a place mute of all light, where the wind bellows as the sea does in a tempest. This is the realm where the lustful spend eternity. Here, sinners are blown around endlessly by the unforgiving winds of unquenchable desire as punishment for their transgressions. The infernal hurricane that never rests hurtles the spirits onward in its rapine, whirling them round, and smiting, it molests them. You have betrayed reason at the behest of your appetite for pleasure, and so here you are doomed to remain. Cleopatra and Helen of Troy are two that share in your fate.
you have come to a place mute of all light, where the wind bellows as the sea does in a tempest. This is the realm where the lustful spend eternity. Here, sinners are blown around endlessly by the unforgiving winds of unquenchable desire as punishment for their transgressions. The infernal hurricane that never rests hurtles the spirits onward in its rapine, whirling them round, and smiting, it molests them. You have betrayed reason at the behest of your appetite for pleasure, and so here you are doomed to remain. Cleopatra and Helen of Troy are two that share in your fate.
i use a program called animator 9.
here is the link.
it takes some doing, but if you click "stitch", then pick your pictures and click done, then click "control", to make it how you want, then click "make"
here is the link.
it takes some doing, but if you click "stitch", then pick your pictures and click done, then click "control", to make it how you want, then click "make"
For the past couple of days Ive been totally hooked on this stupid song. I even burnt it to a CD so that I could play in in my big stereo and in the car. I just cant help myself.
Another quiet weekend (I kind of like them like that) consisted ofdrinking with my friends, watching The Return of the King extended...
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Another quiet weekend (I kind of like them like that) consisted ofdrinking with my friends, watching The Return of the King extended...
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i'm gone from SG as of tomorrow, but you know how to get in touch.

you better.
i expect party updates, if that's still going on.

i expect party updates, if that's still going on.
Naked pics in my picture folder!
I thought that might get your attention.
I'll leave this up for a bit for those of you who may want to give it a go...
I got this from SonofJah's journal. It looked like fun.
Answer the following to the best of your abilities. And be nice.
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
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I thought that might get your attention.

I'll leave this up for a bit for those of you who may want to give it a go...
I got this from SonofJah's journal. It looked like fun.
Answer the following to the best of your abilities. And be nice.

1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
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*is guilty of looking*
LIAR!! Only half naked!!
1. Mofluurflurr
2. Heck yes, oh Dweller of the Ituna!!
3. Never, becasue you're in Ituna where my grannie no longer lives
4. Not as much as I should perhaps
5. Heck yes!
6. No, but I will sing your username like the very fun song...
7. Molecular...
8. Squiggly
9. Heck maybe...
10. Star Wars
11. A pony?
12. I think the pony answers this question as well
13. internet?
14. The kumquat people are comming!
15. Eh, that takes effort...

1. Mofluurflurr
2. Heck yes, oh Dweller of the Ituna!!
3. Never, becasue you're in Ituna where my grannie no longer lives
4. Not as much as I should perhaps
5. Heck yes!
6. No, but I will sing your username like the very fun song...
7. Molecular...
8. Squiggly
9. Heck maybe...
10. Star Wars
11. A pony?
12. I think the pony answers this question as well
13. internet?
14. The kumquat people are comming!
15. Eh, that takes effort...
I'll leave this up for a bit for those of you who may want to give it a go...
I got this from SonofJah's journal. It looked like fun.
Answer the following to the best of your abilities. And be nice.

1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you talk to me a lot?...
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yes, you are correct!
flight of the navigator it is.
what video games are you listing/whats the address to your items?
im buying an xbox for the sole purpose of playing knights of the old republic this week.
i always told myself id never buy a game system made by microsoft, but it the only way to play the game!
unless you count the pc version, but im way too fond of controllers.
first contact eh?
thats a TNG movie right?
i havent seen it.
how is it?
flight of the navigator it is.
what video games are you listing/whats the address to your items?
im buying an xbox for the sole purpose of playing knights of the old republic this week.
i always told myself id never buy a game system made by microsoft, but it the only way to play the game!
unless you count the pc version, but im way too fond of controllers.
first contact eh?
thats a TNG movie right?
i havent seen it.
how is it?
Next weekend is tattoo wkend! So no can do.
As for Rocket Robinhood, watch it sometime and see just how sexually twisted the show is
if you want/need some kewl tees you know who to call!