There's something not right about this picture.

I just can't quite figure out what it is...

Well, I finally got to see the Star Wars Holiday Special in all it's horrid glory. Now I understand why George said he'd like to hunt down every copy and smash it with a hammer.

"How bad could it be?" I thought.
It's bad, really bad. If it hadn't been "Star Wars" I'd have never made it through the whole hour and a half. Thank God for fast forward. That, and the short Boba Fett cartoon stuck in the middle of the show was pretty good.
Boy am I glad that I found a link to watch it online instead of paying money for a bootleg copy.

Tommorrow is a holiday for me, I should do something, but I probably won't.
I should wash my car, and buy some gas. But not nessessarily in that order.

(No, my mind is not fried..)
I wouldn't recommend Speed Racer.. It's so incredibly stupid, it gets very addicting.