Yesterdays fortune cookie says:
Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation.
Truer words were never said. I am discontented. I need to do stuff to get back on the right track.
Oy, Ive got lots of work ahead of me. The # 1 problem is motivation. More often than not its too easy to just veg out playing video games or watching movies than tackling the real issues.
Things to do:
1. Finish ROBOT COMICS mini-comic
2. Sell more stuff on E-Bay to get a handle on the credit card debt.
2 . Finish SUPER B FLY MONKEY mini-comic
2 . Make Tribal mask wall decorations for living room.
3. Finish writing THE SNAKE WHO COULD RUN book
WATCH THIS 20 bucks goes to anyone who can tell me without a doubt just what the hell kind of head is on the trombone player.
Todays Secret Word is:
Chutzpah also chutzpa : supreme self confidence : NERVE, GALL
Try using that one in a sentence.
btw, are you coming into Regina on Saturday? if you do, there will be much fawning and possible groping.