On America:
Its the little things that baffle me most of all. The way every coffee shop plays Pachelbels canon in D on the Muzak system, the way the middle classes dont wear socks, the way they address one another in such loud voices across the hotel swimming pool, the inability they all have to locate themselves, or anyone else, on a map of the world, the love affair with country music, the mullets, the television ad breaks, the way they dont offer you a cup of coffee or a drink when you go to their houses. I always feel like a civilised human being at a garden party for very rich apes.
On his automotive expertise:
I still dont really know how a car works. I realise that you put petrol in the tank. I know that this makes noise and I know that, somehow, the grrrrr sound is converted into movement.
On the idea of nobility in poverty:
[...] given the chance Im pretty sure that most yak herders would rather spend their time shooting Ewoks in the face on a PlayStation.
On Canada
[...] Canada never even crosses my mind as a holiday destination. Even if I wanted mountains, lots of trees and a place where they say roondaboot, Canada still wouldnt occur to me. If the kids said they wanted to see a beaver, Id um and ah for a bit and wed end up in Amsterdam.
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