My friend's little sister is in university now. Weird. Not weird like, "hey! you're legal now!" but weird like, "I remember when you were still abortable."
The most vivid memory I have of her, other than her going all Power Rangers on her older sister, was throwing a giant plastic stock car down the stairwell JUST as she managed to crawl into the trajectory of Tom Cruise's jump of doom. She saved Tom Cruise from a low pile carpeted death with her giant-baby sized forehead. I'm sure Tom Cruise appreciated it, but from the screaming, crying, flailing and general discontent, I doubt she understood the valour of her forehead's sacrifice.
The most vivid memory I have of her, other than her going all Power Rangers on her older sister, was throwing a giant plastic stock car down the stairwell JUST as she managed to crawl into the trajectory of Tom Cruise's jump of doom. She saved Tom Cruise from a low pile carpeted death with her giant-baby sized forehead. I'm sure Tom Cruise appreciated it, but from the screaming, crying, flailing and general discontent, I doubt she understood the valour of her forehead's sacrifice.
I wish your friend had killed Tom Cruise.