I just climbed into the attic to see what has been making all the chirping, growling, mewling, barking, fornicating noises (despite warnings from every horror movie ever made, I only went armed with a police-brutality sized mag-light and a super-soaker). I didn't see any squirrels or raccoons or claw-shimps or Japanese children. There was nary an asbestos crazed David Caruso in sight. What I did see was that the attic is FUCKING T-REX HUGE and that my second floor would look so much cooler if I arranged the insulation flush with the roof and exposed the support beams.
It'd be even cooler if there wasn't a gaping hole in the side of the wall, too. Man, that would be pimptastic, not having giant, gaping-as-all-fucking-maws hole in the side of the house. My god, there was a breeze. A nice breeze. A refreshing breeze. Still, not the sort of breeze you'd want to feel on the inside of your house.
This is hilarious, not anger inducing. It's a glorious example of the comical ineptitude of local contractors and my dad's friends (who also happen to be the comically inept contractors). Chances are good that this place gets demolitioned (minus the new windows and new furnace) when I move out. I want to use dyn-o-mite!
It'd be even cooler if there wasn't a gaping hole in the side of the wall, too. Man, that would be pimptastic, not having giant, gaping-as-all-fucking-maws hole in the side of the house. My god, there was a breeze. A nice breeze. A refreshing breeze. Still, not the sort of breeze you'd want to feel on the inside of your house.
This is hilarious, not anger inducing. It's a glorious example of the comical ineptitude of local contractors and my dad's friends (who also happen to be the comically inept contractors). Chances are good that this place gets demolitioned (minus the new windows and new furnace) when I move out. I want to use dyn-o-mite!
Oh and thanks for the link! I would have never thought of that. Brilliant. Looks like a happenin' place, the 1st Annual Tweed Festival of Trees actually sounds like it could be nice.