Ok... here's a post that I'm sure will piss a lot of people off... but what fun is life without controversy and at least some conflict ehh?
You know what makes me mad beyond belief? I hate how people like Michael Moore think they can alter history and facts to their own personal taste and then try to pass it off as fact, just because he happens to hate someone and can put a nice coin in his pocket in the process. Don't get me wrong now, I despise George Bush and his lies and falsehoods that led us to war, but to make stuff up and to alter events and quotes for personal gain is straight up hypocrisy. We all know that he did this before (just look at Bowling for Columbine when during the Charlton Heston Denver speech Mr. Heston is miraculously wearing a totally different outfit after Mr. Moore breaks away from video of the speech to show a billboard and then goes back to that speech) but to blatently portray what everybody knows is a lie is absurd. He portrays Iraq as a peaceful and happy place in Fahreinheit 9/11, but conveniently leaves out anything that might show just what a monster Saddam truly was. He makes Richard Clarke out to be an Anti-Bush hero, yet proceeds to come down on the government for shuttling the Bin-Ladens out of the country right after 9/11... a move authorized by Mr. Clarke that he takes full accountability for!!!
Another thing that pisses me off about the guy is how he claims to be a "working mans" hero. How many "working men" do you know that have a multi-million dollar condo in Manhattan and send their kids to private schools, far away from working class children? For a guy who claims to be such a crusader, his record of charitable donations are pretty damn pathetic. This man has made an insane amount of money in his day, and yet most of it goes and stays in his bank account and no where else! I'm sorry, but this guy is only interested in two things: increasing awareness in his agenda by any means necessary (including down right lying and changing history as he sees fit), and increasing the amount of 0's in his bank account. Someone in an article I read summed it up perfectly in saying that he "puts out slanderous propaganda that would make the folks at Al Jazeera blush". Like I said before, I too despise Bush for what he did and I intend to vote for Kerry *even though I don't think he's much better then Bush, but voting for Nader would ultimately prove futile* but the ends do not always justify the means. I'm sorry, but I just cannot justify supporting someone who thinks that they can just lie and that Americans are so gullible that he can brainwash them into believing it. I'm sorry, but am I the only one who can see that this guy is patronizing all of us? Why can't everyone see that he thinks so little of us that he straight up insults our intelligence? What is it that people hate most about Bush... it's his dishonesty right? Then what makes this "crusaders" dishonesty any better? It's about time people came to their senses and stood against this man for doing exactly what he claims Bush did, blatently lying to the masses for the gain of his personal agenda!!!
You know something... if thats the most that I can bitch about then life must be pretty damn good, which it is
You know what makes me mad beyond belief? I hate how people like Michael Moore think they can alter history and facts to their own personal taste and then try to pass it off as fact, just because he happens to hate someone and can put a nice coin in his pocket in the process. Don't get me wrong now, I despise George Bush and his lies and falsehoods that led us to war, but to make stuff up and to alter events and quotes for personal gain is straight up hypocrisy. We all know that he did this before (just look at Bowling for Columbine when during the Charlton Heston Denver speech Mr. Heston is miraculously wearing a totally different outfit after Mr. Moore breaks away from video of the speech to show a billboard and then goes back to that speech) but to blatently portray what everybody knows is a lie is absurd. He portrays Iraq as a peaceful and happy place in Fahreinheit 9/11, but conveniently leaves out anything that might show just what a monster Saddam truly was. He makes Richard Clarke out to be an Anti-Bush hero, yet proceeds to come down on the government for shuttling the Bin-Ladens out of the country right after 9/11... a move authorized by Mr. Clarke that he takes full accountability for!!!
Another thing that pisses me off about the guy is how he claims to be a "working mans" hero. How many "working men" do you know that have a multi-million dollar condo in Manhattan and send their kids to private schools, far away from working class children? For a guy who claims to be such a crusader, his record of charitable donations are pretty damn pathetic. This man has made an insane amount of money in his day, and yet most of it goes and stays in his bank account and no where else! I'm sorry, but this guy is only interested in two things: increasing awareness in his agenda by any means necessary (including down right lying and changing history as he sees fit), and increasing the amount of 0's in his bank account. Someone in an article I read summed it up perfectly in saying that he "puts out slanderous propaganda that would make the folks at Al Jazeera blush". Like I said before, I too despise Bush for what he did and I intend to vote for Kerry *even though I don't think he's much better then Bush, but voting for Nader would ultimately prove futile* but the ends do not always justify the means. I'm sorry, but I just cannot justify supporting someone who thinks that they can just lie and that Americans are so gullible that he can brainwash them into believing it. I'm sorry, but am I the only one who can see that this guy is patronizing all of us? Why can't everyone see that he thinks so little of us that he straight up insults our intelligence? What is it that people hate most about Bush... it's his dishonesty right? Then what makes this "crusaders" dishonesty any better? It's about time people came to their senses and stood against this man for doing exactly what he claims Bush did, blatently lying to the masses for the gain of his personal agenda!!!
You know something... if thats the most that I can bitch about then life must be pretty damn good, which it is

i like michael moore, he does go too far sometimes, but i still like the guy, i own bowling for columbine on dvd.. havent seen 911 yet.. but will in due time

Your comment made me smile and it also hurt my feelings, because you don't know who I am in person. *shakes head*