You know what pisses me off immensly... how America is bashed by the rest of the world for the rogue actions of a few fucked up retards who are put in charge of prisoners, and yet it takes a man being beheaded on camera to make people realize *if only for a day or three* that these insurgents in Iraq as well as the rest of the terrorists that we're fighting have no respect for human life what-so-ever. I can not say that what those dickhole soldiers did was right, it was an immense black eye to America and only slightly above the antics of the guy we kicked out of power there, but christ... that is just sickening and the worst possible thing I can imagine. This poor guys family had suffered enough with him being abducted and then later notified that he was slaughtered, but to videotape it and parade his severed head around all while whooping "God is great", just fucking absurd. I sure as hell hope that my god isn't the same creature that created those fucking savages, cause if he is then I would be forced to renounce my faith all together. Maybe it's just the society I grow up in, but I can't imagine how the senseless public slaughtering of a man can appease any god or any cause.
Back to the topic of our soldiers. It pisses me off that our military doesn't do some sort of agression testing before letting men enlist. I used to live on a military base and have been around military folk most of my life, and I have heard first hand of people who go in to the military only to get guns and kill people. A major part of our military is composed of murderers and physical abusers who are given license to do just that in war. And they wonder why these situations occur! When you have people over there who only are interested in hurting, they are bound to breach the Geneva Code every now and then. I firmly believe that the military needs to institute some from of agression testing, to identify the people who have intentions other then securing peace or getting revenge. Shit, come to think of it, if we had that in place then maybe our "Commander in Chief" would be eliminated on grounds of wanting to avenge his daddies shortcomings. But seriously, If we keep letting these gung-ho assclowns into our military we will continue getting these black eyes and causing more dickholes to kill innocent Americans in "retaliation". Retaliation hunh... tell that to the family of Daniel Pearl, who was beheaded in much the same fashion two years ago, long before the war and the prison scandal!!!
WELL... on a more cheery note, yay for me! School is out for summer and in my first semester back I got 3 A's and a B... for a GPA of 3.9. I could not be more proud of myself, after being out of school for nearly 5 years to get back into college and acclimate so well so soon. In 2 weeks I'm going to L.A. for a few days to celebrate my 1 year anniversary with my g/f before she goes to San Diego for the summer to spend time with her sister. It'll be a pretty boring summer without her, but I think I'll live
And time for my question to ponder: If you were to be voted president tomorrow, what would be the first issue on your agenda and why? I know most would love to jump out and say "stop the war", but I'd like to see some creative answers here
Back to the topic of our soldiers. It pisses me off that our military doesn't do some sort of agression testing before letting men enlist. I used to live on a military base and have been around military folk most of my life, and I have heard first hand of people who go in to the military only to get guns and kill people. A major part of our military is composed of murderers and physical abusers who are given license to do just that in war. And they wonder why these situations occur! When you have people over there who only are interested in hurting, they are bound to breach the Geneva Code every now and then. I firmly believe that the military needs to institute some from of agression testing, to identify the people who have intentions other then securing peace or getting revenge. Shit, come to think of it, if we had that in place then maybe our "Commander in Chief" would be eliminated on grounds of wanting to avenge his daddies shortcomings. But seriously, If we keep letting these gung-ho assclowns into our military we will continue getting these black eyes and causing more dickholes to kill innocent Americans in "retaliation". Retaliation hunh... tell that to the family of Daniel Pearl, who was beheaded in much the same fashion two years ago, long before the war and the prison scandal!!!
WELL... on a more cheery note, yay for me! School is out for summer and in my first semester back I got 3 A's and a B... for a GPA of 3.9. I could not be more proud of myself, after being out of school for nearly 5 years to get back into college and acclimate so well so soon. In 2 weeks I'm going to L.A. for a few days to celebrate my 1 year anniversary with my g/f before she goes to San Diego for the summer to spend time with her sister. It'll be a pretty boring summer without her, but I think I'll live

And time for my question to ponder: If you were to be voted president tomorrow, what would be the first issue on your agenda and why? I know most would love to jump out and say "stop the war", but I'd like to see some creative answers here

I did say hi and you need to call me. Crap!
no no no i'm the pres. sorry. you can be my secratary.