Laying awake when you desperately don't want to be, wishing you could be somewhere, anywhere else other than awake and trapped. Not really knowing what you're trapped by exactly, just stuck. Stuck in a state of consciousness. Stuck in a state of perpetual thought when you wish it could all be blank. Be simple. Be straightforward. Wishing with all that you are that you could feel whole. Feel worthy. Feel like your existence has value beyond your own day to day whims. Feeling as though you simply exist rather than live. Feeling those alternating thoughts of hope followed by hollow numbness. Lather, rinse, repeat. Meaning is such a subjective thing, yet the thing that should be most validating. Yet here you are, just wishing to feel valid.
More Blogs
Monday Jun 14, 2004
Bahhh again!!! I was in a really good mood, things are/were going gr… -
Saturday Jun 12, 2004
Well... bahhh no more. I'm actually in a pretty damn good mood today… -
Wednesday Jun 09, 2004
Bahh... just bahh!!! -
Wednesday Jun 02, 2004
Wow... I really wish I had something interesting to write about in he… -
Thursday May 13, 2004
You know what pisses me off immensly... how America is bashed by the … -
Sunday Apr 11, 2004
Wow, here I am again in the land of SG. Oh how I've missed it. Been s… -
Friday Apr 09, 2004
I have returned from the land of the dead... yay me I think -
Friday Sep 26, 2003
Just letting everyone know that my comp has been down for a week now.… -
Wednesday Sep 10, 2003
Well... didn't get to go to dinner with the g/f. She's been sick for… -
Tuesday Sep 09, 2003
Today's the g/f's b-day... going out for dinner with her, her mom, an…