Ok... time for the semi-annual journal update
Well... lets just say I've had a blast the last few days. Saturday night I was home and really bored when my g/f called me to tell me she just got home from San Diego a day early, so I was more then pleasantly surprised to have her back that night.
On Sunday I went with my buddy Dan to Phoenix to see WWE SummerSlam at the America West Arena. We had pretty good seats, and the show was good but nothing overly special. I pretty much expected more from a major PPV.
Yesterday I went to WWE Raw here in Tucson with Dan again. This time we had amazingly good seats *right next to the announce crew* and it was a hell of a show. We were so close that we could feel the heat every time they set off pyro, and also the temporary deafness to go with it. Truly a great time
Had some fun last week I must say. One day in particular my g/f and I met up with my friend Vanessa to hang out, and also look for a French maid outfit for me to wear as part of losing a bet. Well... we never found an outfit that was big enough for my large ass, so I wound up wearing a hula girl outfit, and a viking outfit, both of which are on display in my pictures. Please folks, be gentle while mocking me!!!
So... yeah... I've been doing good other then the whole unemployed thing. Might go to a concert tonight, depends on if my g/f gets out of her last class early enough to actually catch any of the show. Before I leave, I'm going to re-ask the same question I asked in my last journal, If you could have lunch with anyone ever, dead or alive, who would it be? If you don't want to answer that question, then how about "If you could have sex with a celebrity, who would it be?". I'll even give you one more potential question, "if you could end anyones 15 minutes of fame, who would it be?". Feel free to answer any one of them, or all three, just be sure to give me something to either admire or laugh at

Well... lets just say I've had a blast the last few days. Saturday night I was home and really bored when my g/f called me to tell me she just got home from San Diego a day early, so I was more then pleasantly surprised to have her back that night.
On Sunday I went with my buddy Dan to Phoenix to see WWE SummerSlam at the America West Arena. We had pretty good seats, and the show was good but nothing overly special. I pretty much expected more from a major PPV.
Yesterday I went to WWE Raw here in Tucson with Dan again. This time we had amazingly good seats *right next to the announce crew* and it was a hell of a show. We were so close that we could feel the heat every time they set off pyro, and also the temporary deafness to go with it. Truly a great time

Had some fun last week I must say. One day in particular my g/f and I met up with my friend Vanessa to hang out, and also look for a French maid outfit for me to wear as part of losing a bet. Well... we never found an outfit that was big enough for my large ass, so I wound up wearing a hula girl outfit, and a viking outfit, both of which are on display in my pictures. Please folks, be gentle while mocking me!!!
So... yeah... I've been doing good other then the whole unemployed thing. Might go to a concert tonight, depends on if my g/f gets out of her last class early enough to actually catch any of the show. Before I leave, I'm going to re-ask the same question I asked in my last journal, If you could have lunch with anyone ever, dead or alive, who would it be? If you don't want to answer that question, then how about "If you could have sex with a celebrity, who would it be?". I'll even give you one more potential question, "if you could end anyones 15 minutes of fame, who would it be?". Feel free to answer any one of them, or all three, just be sure to give me something to either admire or laugh at

I'm glad that someone else appreciates the horrible wonderfulness of roller rinks, like I do. 

Where oh where has crazyrick gone?