GUH!!!! Do I really need to say anything else on a Monday morning? Didn't get to sleep till 1:30 and didn't want to get up at 7:30. How come I could get away with that in high school, but now I can't when I'm 22?
We *butrflildy, the rest of my co-workers and myself* all left the office halfway into the day on Friday to have a little get-together at Les' house, so I'm kinda swamped making up for it this morning. At least it gives me something to do other then slack off at this site all day
Never-the-less I'm bored out of my blessed mind, so auditions are open to entertain me
We *butrflildy, the rest of my co-workers and myself* all left the office halfway into the day on Friday to have a little get-together at Les' house, so I'm kinda swamped making up for it this morning. At least it gives me something to do other then slack off at this site all day

haha...that made me laugh!! officspace was a great movie...also agreat movie...28 Days should go see it!
More Tucson people. I always skip out early on Fridays, the joys of working from home