"Oh, what a night. Late December back in '63. What a very special time for me, 'Cause I remember what a night!!!"
Sorry bout that folks... just had a random urge to sing a random song about a time long before I was even a little spermy in my daddy's libido. Call me random, or call me insane, either way you wouldn't be the first
I'm usually not all that good in writing these things when all is going good, but what the hey. Started a new job this week and other then a coma inducing head boss, and an absolutely insane direct boss *luv ya Les*, I'd say my prospects are pretty good. Doesn't hurt that my semi-official title is "Office He-Bitch" either.
Anyways... I am a bored, bored man so get back to me here people, I need to feel like I'm somewhat loved
Sorry bout that folks... just had a random urge to sing a random song about a time long before I was even a little spermy in my daddy's libido. Call me random, or call me insane, either way you wouldn't be the first

I'm usually not all that good in writing these things when all is going good, but what the hey. Started a new job this week and other then a coma inducing head boss, and an absolutely insane direct boss *luv ya Les*, I'd say my prospects are pretty good. Doesn't hurt that my semi-official title is "Office He-Bitch" either.

Anyways... I am a bored, bored man so get back to me here people, I need to feel like I'm somewhat loved
uhm...okay, if you insist.
and hurrah for trogdor.
cause i always seem to watch star wars movies when i'm sick.
i was raised on star wars toys, though. my mom has like EVERYTHING star wars, like, original toys and whatnot. her collection is worth thousands of dollars. i think i'd be disowned if i didn't like star wars.