Jeph Jacques draws a comic called Questionable Content.
doctor_hu draws a comic called Frighteningly Pretentious Komix!
Questionable Content is very popular.
Frighteningly Pretentious Komix! has a handful of loyal readers.
Jeph Jacques has a lot (technically, a "metric assload" ) of followers on Twitter (@jephjacques).
doctor_hu has a decent number of followers on Twitter (@DoctorHu).
Jeph Jacques posted the following today on Twitter:
doctor_hu draws a comic called Frighteningly Pretentious Komix!
Questionable Content is very popular.
Frighteningly Pretentious Komix! has a handful of loyal readers.
Jeph Jacques has a lot (technically, a "metric assload" ) of followers on Twitter (@jephjacques).
doctor_hu has a decent number of followers on Twitter (@DoctorHu).
Jeph Jacques posted the following today on Twitter:
I want every webcartoonist I know to do a shitty syndicated version of their comic and post it on twitter. #ifitweresyndicated
doctor_hu responded by posting this at the home of Frighteningly Pretentious Komix!
Frighteningly Pretentious Komix! is in the process of setting a record for one-day unique visitors.
Who are seeing an intentionally crappy comic as their first ever experience with FPK.
Oh! Wait! No. Oy! is a completely different webcomic. My bad.
OH YAY! That's so cool!
When you become all web comic famous and start selling books... remember the little people, okay?
I have a play to send you for your perusal and thank you so much for all of your kind words and support through this difficult time (that phone call IS coming.
). PS: Richard was minimized and modernized, wish you were here to see it, it was a free show in a bar!