Casting Call
Shaolin Boogaloo! is now casting for a shot-on-DV short film, "Killer Game." The short centers on a group of people who have just pulled off a successful heist playing a game of Strip Russian Roulette to divide up the money. Tempers flare and tensions rise as the game nears its final stages with one bandit dead and the other three rapidly running out of clothes.
Filming will take place in the Tri-Cities area (Virginia and Tennessee border, near Johnson City, Bristol, or Kingsport). For their participation, actors will receive a credit, a copy of the movie, and meals during shooting. No transportation or lodging will be paid by the producers. This short will be submitted to film festivals including Tromadance and Slamdance.
A full copy of the screenplay will be made available upon request. You can find us on MySpace at
Local screen test sessions for the Tri-Cities area will be scheduled soon. Screen tests will not require nudity. To schedule an individual screen test, get information on mailing in a screen test, or to be notified when open screen testing is announced, e-mail with [KILLER GAME] in the subject line.
Casting Breakdown
WENDY: A bandit, and the one who made the initial statement that led to the game being played. She is not completely into the game, and wants to know why she seems to be losing clothing faster than Lucy. This role requires implied nudity - it will be filmed in such a way as to make the actress appear nude, but she will be able to wear pasties and a g-string minimum at all times. CAST - MARIA FREDERICKS
HARRY: A bandit. Brash, impulsive, and a believer in the Law of Attraction. He firmly believes himself to be the brains of the bunch, but is upset that he gets no respect from his co-conspirators. This role will require very brief nudity, not frontal.
LUCY: A bandit. She is perfectly comfortable with the game, fearless and shameless. Requires topless nudity and brief rear nudity.
PIZZA BOY: A pizza boy. He delivers a pizza ordered by Lucy. He has no idea what is going on, only that a half-naked woman answers the door. No nudity required. CAST - CHARLES HAGY
BERT: Recently deceased. Only appears in the film as a pair of legs sticking up from off-screen. The legs are pushed out of the shot by Wendy within the first three minutes of the film. No nudity required - the legs are wearing gym socks.
Here are a few previous Shaolin Boogaloo! productions:
Shaolin Boogaloo! is now casting for a shot-on-DV short film, "Killer Game." The short centers on a group of people who have just pulled off a successful heist playing a game of Strip Russian Roulette to divide up the money. Tempers flare and tensions rise as the game nears its final stages with one bandit dead and the other three rapidly running out of clothes.
Filming will take place in the Tri-Cities area (Virginia and Tennessee border, near Johnson City, Bristol, or Kingsport). For their participation, actors will receive a credit, a copy of the movie, and meals during shooting. No transportation or lodging will be paid by the producers. This short will be submitted to film festivals including Tromadance and Slamdance.
A full copy of the screenplay will be made available upon request. You can find us on MySpace at
Local screen test sessions for the Tri-Cities area will be scheduled soon. Screen tests will not require nudity. To schedule an individual screen test, get information on mailing in a screen test, or to be notified when open screen testing is announced, e-mail with [KILLER GAME] in the subject line.
Casting Breakdown
WENDY: A bandit, and the one who made the initial statement that led to the game being played. She is not completely into the game, and wants to know why she seems to be losing clothing faster than Lucy. This role requires implied nudity - it will be filmed in such a way as to make the actress appear nude, but she will be able to wear pasties and a g-string minimum at all times. CAST - MARIA FREDERICKS
HARRY: A bandit. Brash, impulsive, and a believer in the Law of Attraction. He firmly believes himself to be the brains of the bunch, but is upset that he gets no respect from his co-conspirators. This role will require very brief nudity, not frontal.
LUCY: A bandit. She is perfectly comfortable with the game, fearless and shameless. Requires topless nudity and brief rear nudity.
PIZZA BOY: A pizza boy. He delivers a pizza ordered by Lucy. He has no idea what is going on, only that a half-naked woman answers the door. No nudity required. CAST - CHARLES HAGY
BERT: Recently deceased. Only appears in the film as a pair of legs sticking up from off-screen. The legs are pushed out of the shot by Wendy within the first three minutes of the film. No nudity required - the legs are wearing gym socks.
Here are a few previous Shaolin Boogaloo! productions:
OMG! thanks for my testimonial - you're too kind my good sir. 

I, too, hate high fructose corn syrup...... Let's be friends, lol!!