As I get older I am becoming more and more disconnected and disenchanted with the "real world". In the 90's I was a republican, or so I thought. Back then I subscribed to the ideals of conservatism but in hindsight I didn't truly understand what that meant or what that included. Back then my perceptions were simple and idealistic and I simply thought that if we, as a society in America, had a strong defense, a trickle down economy and strong morals we would be ok and everything else would fall into place. What I didn't realize as a young man listening to Mudhoney, Pearl Jam and Screaming Trees and enjoying night after night of ignorant bliss, was that those republican / conservative ideals were rooted in manipulation and deception. Conservative ideals and the republican (yes small "r") sound good on paper and sound great in talking points come election time. They are designed to make the common man feel as though someone with a perceived brain, a little power and a smidge of concern was looking out for them. As it turns out, it is all a trick aimed at deceiving the less fortunate, the less educated and the desperate throngs of people that most of us fall into. The REAL republican agenda is geared towards the old white rich men of our society hoarding as many chips as possible. Chips meaning land, power, authority, riches and dare I say, ignorant naive common folks. These republicans, and I apologize for generalizing all republicans in one statement, are not so much concerned with the majority of our society. They, in general, seek to hoard more "chips" for themselves and do this through whatever means necessary. Let's be honest, there is no trickle in the trickle down theory of economics, our defense has not made us safer but only made us a huge target in the global scheme of things and morals, oh please!! Don't get me wrong, the Dems are not much better but I feel they, in general, are forced to fight dirty as a means of survival against a group that is willing to go to any length. Case in point, just the other day I find a disturbing number of FB "friends" that are buying some fake satirical story that Congress and Obama have signed into legislation a bill that will allow Welfare recipients to have free cars and free gas. I couldn't believe my eyes in reading just how gullible and ignorant we've become. Nobody questions or researches anything. We are a social network society (as I type this on a social network) and we've become sheep for anybody with enough money to buy our government. Obama has not been a success as advertised but he does not hold all the blame here. He was up against a party of fat, rich, old white men that were not going to allow the first "nigger" to be successful. Those are not my words but my perception of how he is viewed whether we want to believe it or not. If Obama was successful as the first minority president that would open the door to EVERY minority including women, gays, hispanics, jews and the list goes on. The republican party made their agenda since 2008 very simple, "don't let the nigger succeed". Shame on us all for not seeing this and letting it happen. I voted for Mr. Barack Obama with high hopes and I think he's gotten a very raw deal. The cards were stacked against him and at this point, if we don't remove big money from our politics and motivate and educate our younger and less fortunate population we are doomed, perhaps not forever but for a long time. Take back America, fight to repeal "citizens united" (if you don't know what Citizens United is, look it up, it is very bad for all of us) and let's make common sense and what is good for MOST a part of our future American platform, not what is good for a few.