So I finally got around to leaving a few testimonials for people. I didn't hit everybody, but I wanted to make sure my words were genuine and not obligatory. It actually takes time to do it properly believe it or not. If you feel like I left you out, let me know and I'll do some serious thinking about what you mean to me and write something about it. If I know you that well though chances are you already know how I feel without me posting it online. I know how people get sometimes though.
Life happens to be coasting along very decently right now. i still get lonely from time to time, but being happy with myself and content with my current positiongoes a long way towards making the loneliness less noticeable. Life on cruise control gets kind of boring after a while though, and what better roller coaster ride is there to experience than that of a serious relationship. I could go deeper into that metaphor and all the similarities of the pre and post ride analysis, but I'm thinking it'd make a good poem somehow and I don't want to waste overexplaining it in prose.
Speaking of which, I've been in the mood to write more these days, but I don't want to force it. I've created some really powerful things in the past, but it's always been spur of the moment and heartfelt. I think that when I force it it's little more than pretentious bullshit, even though people tend to compliment my skills as a writer, communicator, and manipulator of... well, you'll find out. I'm thinking I should start back up with my personal journal. It helps excercise that muscle and eventually the creative part just comes back like second nature.
I've got some extra tickets to a few upcoming shows. If you're on my friends list I started a friends thread about it. If not and you might be interested in seeing James Brown, DJ Shadow, or Massive Attack let me know and I'll give you details. That's the short list for now, there'll probably be more to come.
I'm throwing another shindig at my place on the 30th of September. Pretty much the same deal as last time. Maybe I'll come up with some other stuff too, we'll see.
I guess my updates have been pretty straightforward and boring lately. Sorry about that. I've been trying to avoid getting to philosophical here lately because there's certain things I'd like to have more intelligence about before I vbroadcast my thoughts publically. All the more reason for me to get back to that personal journal and work these things out gfor myself. i have to be careful though. It gets dangerous when I start thinking too much, ewhich means I should probably get a few more distractions in my life to keep myself from causing too much of a stir. If anybody wants to wax esoteric anytime though, just let me know. It's always better when you have someone to bounce these ideas off of.
Life happens to be coasting along very decently right now. i still get lonely from time to time, but being happy with myself and content with my current positiongoes a long way towards making the loneliness less noticeable. Life on cruise control gets kind of boring after a while though, and what better roller coaster ride is there to experience than that of a serious relationship. I could go deeper into that metaphor and all the similarities of the pre and post ride analysis, but I'm thinking it'd make a good poem somehow and I don't want to waste overexplaining it in prose.
Speaking of which, I've been in the mood to write more these days, but I don't want to force it. I've created some really powerful things in the past, but it's always been spur of the moment and heartfelt. I think that when I force it it's little more than pretentious bullshit, even though people tend to compliment my skills as a writer, communicator, and manipulator of... well, you'll find out. I'm thinking I should start back up with my personal journal. It helps excercise that muscle and eventually the creative part just comes back like second nature.
I've got some extra tickets to a few upcoming shows. If you're on my friends list I started a friends thread about it. If not and you might be interested in seeing James Brown, DJ Shadow, or Massive Attack let me know and I'll give you details. That's the short list for now, there'll probably be more to come.
I'm throwing another shindig at my place on the 30th of September. Pretty much the same deal as last time. Maybe I'll come up with some other stuff too, we'll see.
I guess my updates have been pretty straightforward and boring lately. Sorry about that. I've been trying to avoid getting to philosophical here lately because there's certain things I'd like to have more intelligence about before I vbroadcast my thoughts publically. All the more reason for me to get back to that personal journal and work these things out gfor myself. i have to be careful though. It gets dangerous when I start thinking too much, ewhich means I should probably get a few more distractions in my life to keep myself from causing too much of a stir. If anybody wants to wax esoteric anytime though, just let me know. It's always better when you have someone to bounce these ideas off of.
p.s. did you ever hear from Peggy? Her phone is being fucked up again.
I'll give you a ring in the next few days...when is a good time?