Alrightty then. What's been going on in my life this past week or so.
Wednesday I hung out with capnvik and blackhoodie while they were waiting to see Superman returns. I had already planned to see it later in the week, so I was just wasting some time since Mann's Chinese is right down the street from where I work. EricAllen and Jujubee showed up just as I was leaving.
On the train home I ran into a girl wearing the female version of the Radiohead shirt I bought at the show on Tuesday. So I asked her if she was at the show last night and she was. We talked aout that and I found out she was coming from trying to see the Jamie Lidell in-store at Amoeba. That led into discussions about music in general (the way to my heart) and numbers were given. We'll see how that goes. She lives in Pasedena but given the shows that she goes to there's a good chance I'll run into her and her sister again.
Friday night was kind of crazy. First I went to see Edan with my buddy Darren from work. Incredible show. I swear the guy has to be a schizo. Hey was mixing and freestyling simultaneously. Not just seguing between beats, but cutting and scratching while furiously rocking the mic. Then he runs over and picks up his guitar while playing the kazoo, whistling the chorus and switching back again. I for one was amazed.
After that we were on the list at "Firecracker" so we went and hung out there for a while. I got my boogie on and chatted up a couple girls. After they shut down we heard about an afterparty going on at this place downtown, so we went there and Rhettmatic of the Beatjunkies was spinning. I jumped in the B-boy cipher and apparently impressed a couple ladies. I shook it up with a couple of them and was feeling pretty good at that point. One in particular must have seen me at the other club because she said I was cute and she would definitely be seeing me again over there and would remember me for sure. Of course I was too dumb to realize I shouldv'e gotten her number until I was halfway home. But that's the story of my life. I just found out that my friend got us on the list again this friday, so maybe I'll get a second chance.
Saturday I spent most of the day recovering, and then that night my other friend Manny called and said he and his girlfriend were going down to MOCA where they have drinks and DJ's on Saturday nights. So we all went down there and the girl at the door gave me a discount on admission, but not the rest of our group. It was a pretty nice event. Kind of upscale without being to snobby. Real classy I must say. Either I was emitting some really strong phermones or I had a huge stain on my shirt because Amanda says that the women couldn't stop staring at me. I did notice, but I'm not used to that kind of attention, so it didn't do me much good. I'ts like the rest of the world in onto some sort of inside joke that I'm not privy to.
Sunday I planned to see Superman IMAX around noon, but when we got to the theater all the shows before midnight had sold out. So me and my friend Lawrence bought tickets for the last show and hung out for a bit. We then headed over to the El Rey to see:
Talk about THE SHIT!!!!!!!!!
Murs was walking around in the crowd before the show and I talked to him a bit and got a picture with him. I told him about the review I wrote for Musicplus and I guess he must have read it. I don't remember telling him my name, but Iafter the show I talked to him again and he called me J and gave me props for knowing all the words during the show. My hair must make me stick out because I wasn't even up front. He's just a really cool guy. I mean how many people at hisstage will still do a pay to play show, and then not charge at the door. As if his music didn't aleady make him one of my favorite MC's, he just solidified his position for a good long time. The t-shirt I got is easily my new favorite too, I'll show it to you guys sometime. I'm trying to get his ass back on the site
After the show there was another afterparty that we went to for a second. Once again I got to chatting up some girls. I thought for a second maybe they were with some other guys I'd seen them talking to, but they made it abundantly clear that they had just met them. Of course I'm a dumbass again and didn't ask for any phone numbers. The lived out in Whittier anyway, so it's not like I'd be getting to see them to much anyway. Still, I definitely need to work on that.
Then we went and watched the end of the Pride Fight at a friend of Lawrence's, got something to eat and then Superman.
Work was slow on monday and tuesday I stopped by my friend Brents for some barbecue briefly before spending 6 hours (way longer than it should've taken) trying to get down to Mistersatan's place for his shindig.
That's been my week so far. In theory I switch to an overnight schedule on Monday, so this is my last week to hang out. That's good though, because like I said before, now I'll be working during the times when I'd be out wasting money, so I'll be able save upto go out on the weekends, and for general purposes. Plus it'll keep me out of trouble.
This weekend I'll go to Firecracker again. Saturday I'll have reservations for dinner with Manny, his girl Amanda and another girl named Sarah from work. (Sarah btw just might be the coolest girl I know right now. Yes... even cooler than you) Then Saturday night is the secret Sonic Youth show. On Sunday dinner with toothpickmoe and incorrigible then Sonic Youth again with Pearl Jam... which apparently I have an extra ticket for. So if anyone is interested let me know.
On that note, sorry for the length of this entry and I'll see you when I see you.
Wednesday I hung out with capnvik and blackhoodie while they were waiting to see Superman returns. I had already planned to see it later in the week, so I was just wasting some time since Mann's Chinese is right down the street from where I work. EricAllen and Jujubee showed up just as I was leaving.
On the train home I ran into a girl wearing the female version of the Radiohead shirt I bought at the show on Tuesday. So I asked her if she was at the show last night and she was. We talked aout that and I found out she was coming from trying to see the Jamie Lidell in-store at Amoeba. That led into discussions about music in general (the way to my heart) and numbers were given. We'll see how that goes. She lives in Pasedena but given the shows that she goes to there's a good chance I'll run into her and her sister again.
Friday night was kind of crazy. First I went to see Edan with my buddy Darren from work. Incredible show. I swear the guy has to be a schizo. Hey was mixing and freestyling simultaneously. Not just seguing between beats, but cutting and scratching while furiously rocking the mic. Then he runs over and picks up his guitar while playing the kazoo, whistling the chorus and switching back again. I for one was amazed.
After that we were on the list at "Firecracker" so we went and hung out there for a while. I got my boogie on and chatted up a couple girls. After they shut down we heard about an afterparty going on at this place downtown, so we went there and Rhettmatic of the Beatjunkies was spinning. I jumped in the B-boy cipher and apparently impressed a couple ladies. I shook it up with a couple of them and was feeling pretty good at that point. One in particular must have seen me at the other club because she said I was cute and she would definitely be seeing me again over there and would remember me for sure. Of course I was too dumb to realize I shouldv'e gotten her number until I was halfway home. But that's the story of my life. I just found out that my friend got us on the list again this friday, so maybe I'll get a second chance.
Saturday I spent most of the day recovering, and then that night my other friend Manny called and said he and his girlfriend were going down to MOCA where they have drinks and DJ's on Saturday nights. So we all went down there and the girl at the door gave me a discount on admission, but not the rest of our group. It was a pretty nice event. Kind of upscale without being to snobby. Real classy I must say. Either I was emitting some really strong phermones or I had a huge stain on my shirt because Amanda says that the women couldn't stop staring at me. I did notice, but I'm not used to that kind of attention, so it didn't do me much good. I'ts like the rest of the world in onto some sort of inside joke that I'm not privy to.
Sunday I planned to see Superman IMAX around noon, but when we got to the theater all the shows before midnight had sold out. So me and my friend Lawrence bought tickets for the last show and hung out for a bit. We then headed over to the El Rey to see:

Talk about THE SHIT!!!!!!!!!
Murs was walking around in the crowd before the show and I talked to him a bit and got a picture with him. I told him about the review I wrote for Musicplus and I guess he must have read it. I don't remember telling him my name, but Iafter the show I talked to him again and he called me J and gave me props for knowing all the words during the show. My hair must make me stick out because I wasn't even up front. He's just a really cool guy. I mean how many people at hisstage will still do a pay to play show, and then not charge at the door. As if his music didn't aleady make him one of my favorite MC's, he just solidified his position for a good long time. The t-shirt I got is easily my new favorite too, I'll show it to you guys sometime. I'm trying to get his ass back on the site
After the show there was another afterparty that we went to for a second. Once again I got to chatting up some girls. I thought for a second maybe they were with some other guys I'd seen them talking to, but they made it abundantly clear that they had just met them. Of course I'm a dumbass again and didn't ask for any phone numbers. The lived out in Whittier anyway, so it's not like I'd be getting to see them to much anyway. Still, I definitely need to work on that.
Then we went and watched the end of the Pride Fight at a friend of Lawrence's, got something to eat and then Superman.
Work was slow on monday and tuesday I stopped by my friend Brents for some barbecue briefly before spending 6 hours (way longer than it should've taken) trying to get down to Mistersatan's place for his shindig.
That's been my week so far. In theory I switch to an overnight schedule on Monday, so this is my last week to hang out. That's good though, because like I said before, now I'll be working during the times when I'd be out wasting money, so I'll be able save upto go out on the weekends, and for general purposes. Plus it'll keep me out of trouble.
This weekend I'll go to Firecracker again. Saturday I'll have reservations for dinner with Manny, his girl Amanda and another girl named Sarah from work. (Sarah btw just might be the coolest girl I know right now. Yes... even cooler than you) Then Saturday night is the secret Sonic Youth show. On Sunday dinner with toothpickmoe and incorrigible then Sonic Youth again with Pearl Jam... which apparently I have an extra ticket for. So if anyone is interested let me know.
On that note, sorry for the length of this entry and I'll see you when I see you.
we goin to masssssive!!
does murs live here?