I hate to be presumptuous... but I have the sneaking suspicion that the following was written in regards to me
Speaking of lessons learned: last night + bar + jack and coke + kissing potential = NO KISSING IN BARS. (Actual dates not included, that's clearly totally different!) New Year's resolution intact, thank you very much. Taboo reactivated.
And then I'm driving to work today thinking, what the fuck? I mean really, what the fuck and why the hell not? But... there are scenes where the energy is all open and fun-loving and accepting - and then there's film school get togethers. And there's me. Being me. So.
Final lesson: It's really nice, isn't it, to realize that if a guy is interested (and worth being interested in), he will call you? Period. End of story. No thought. No stress. I can honestly say that this one I've got down. I go out, I be myself, for better or for worse, and I walk away. Interested in me? Get my number. Call. Take me out.
Any guy who can't manage that either 1) isn't interested, and that's all good, or 2) isn't worth romantic thought or energy. At least for me, because that's what I'm looking for.
And sure, sometimes I meet someone I like, and I ask them out. That's cool, too. Because no matter how you come at it clear, everyone knows the page.
I think it's called respect.
Discuss please.... me and my fucking issues. There's a certain someone who would tell me to "just get over it", but that's easier said than done.

Speaking of lessons learned: last night + bar + jack and coke + kissing potential = NO KISSING IN BARS. (Actual dates not included, that's clearly totally different!) New Year's resolution intact, thank you very much. Taboo reactivated.
And then I'm driving to work today thinking, what the fuck? I mean really, what the fuck and why the hell not? But... there are scenes where the energy is all open and fun-loving and accepting - and then there's film school get togethers. And there's me. Being me. So.
Final lesson: It's really nice, isn't it, to realize that if a guy is interested (and worth being interested in), he will call you? Period. End of story. No thought. No stress. I can honestly say that this one I've got down. I go out, I be myself, for better or for worse, and I walk away. Interested in me? Get my number. Call. Take me out.
Any guy who can't manage that either 1) isn't interested, and that's all good, or 2) isn't worth romantic thought or energy. At least for me, because that's what I'm looking for.
And sure, sometimes I meet someone I like, and I ask them out. That's cool, too. Because no matter how you come at it clear, everyone knows the page.
I think it's called respect.
Discuss please.... me and my fucking issues. There's a certain someone who would tell me to "just get over it", but that's easier said than done.
i'm not plannnnnnnnnnninig on anything, mr. mean pants. let's hang out.