Thanks for indicating the like @elliemouse ! Chelsea Handler is unique woman! She is unapologetically shameless - although I don't know if she is a role model in the sense that people should mindlessly mimic her behavior. She's got a unique psychology and reputation and although I think she cares for kids - I think she would admit - at least some of her behavior isn't role model-able?!?!? I recommend you check out her stuff on Netflix. She is an independent woman - but I think her unique relationship with the world has put her at odds with living within the boundaries of many of society's conventions. I could be wrong - but that's how I understand her! Happy Valentines Day!
I thought Joseph Gordon-Levitt was great in this role in the final installment of Christopher Nolan's Batman Trilogy. It would be great to see him in future Superhero films either by Marvel or DC. (I think he made an appearance in Frank Miller's "Sin City - A Dame To Kill For".