What is happiness?

why isnt there a real person who is happy with what they are or have?

in general why does life suck sometimes?
alright here is a question that goes out to any lady that might be reading.

when a guy says that he find you attractive and would go out with you. if you play ignorant and say you had no idea that they thought of you that way. and keep on treating them like a eunich.

is that because you really didn't know or because you...
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It could be either. Depends on the wicked wiles of the woman you're dealing with.
But think from the woman's point of view... if someone confessed to you, how would you reply if you were not attracted to them? Honesty scares some people. This is what is called a Polite Lie. Somehow it's nicer to say "I had no idea!" than it is to say "I don't feel that way about you."

I hate Polite Lies and avoid them whenever possible. (Yes, I am a bitch.) But truly, sometimes they are a necessity to avoid hurting feelings.
How often does it cross your mind that, I'm going to die. maybe today maybe 60 years from now. and then you realizie just a second after this profound thought that fucking fight club is runnin through your head.

Point being live your life as though you were about to die. maybe that means don't be afraid of consequences. maybe that means live as to...
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missoula is around 80,000 when school is in, less when it's not (obviously). montana, I'm not too sure of. I want to say less than a million. I've only been here for a few years. Don't know much about the place.

I have a really good friend from Laramie.
Ok so I just now figured out how to do new journal entries instead of adding comments on to my old ones.

so please feel free to inform me of my idiocy.

my talk pretty of the night

nothing you do is a sin. It is only once you regret doing something that you have sinned.
wyoming isn't far away from montana
offend me? naw, you didn't say anythin wrong. you asked a legitimate question and I gave you an honest answer. I've done a lot of rotten things in my time. what I described above is only the incident that eats at me the most.
I'm trying to get into the habit of writing something every day but tonight I need to sleep so It's pretty much going to be me talking as though someone other than myself will ever read this.


ok maybe a quick quote

a man will let his heart be broken all the way once every 5 years. A woman will let a little piece...
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pieces of my heart... trickling away. Man, that's depressing.
Dear journal.

HOLY BUTT-FUCK BATMAN did I just write that.

I must be losing more of my sanity than I thought.

So It's almost finals time and it feels like theres only two things that will take the edge off. Russian roulette and uh hurm well.

Me talk pretty of the night

there is nothing more serious in life than humor.
I would like to put just one thing out there for consideration tonight.

If life is like a box of chocolats what's the liklihood that I could pick 3 weeks worth of shitty tasting candies in a row