if you died right now what would you be reincarnated as, not by choice mind you but rather what your kharma would have earned?
More Blogs
Saturday Oct 23, 2004
Alright so I just ate about 24 little candy cigs and I feel like sh@$… -
Wednesday Oct 20, 2004
I just got a job as an art model this friday I get to stand, sit, po… -
Tuesday Oct 19, 2004
Would there be anything wrong with running around a public park with … -
Wednesday Oct 13, 2004
note to self, written outloud due to loss of internal monologue rere… -
Friday Oct 08, 2004
Alright heres a quiestion that goes out to everyone. what are you … -
Sunday Oct 03, 2004
I feel like someone has been vomiting on my soul for the past couple … -
Sunday Oct 03, 2004
please smile on me fate. If you don't I might just have to break out… -
Thursday Sep 30, 2004
Sorry friends I havn't had much time since school started, that and m… -
Tuesday May 11, 2004
hey if anyone knows some good sad songs or suicide theme songs let me… -
Sunday May 09, 2004
So it's one in the morning and I need to write a six page paper due t…
Either a glob of caviar or a mudskipper. Most things haven't worked out.