well, so far so good. looks like if things keep going this way ill be moving to morrisville pa at the end of the month. couldnt come at a better time either, this town is really starting to wear me out. just hope theres more shit to do there then there is here. either way ill be out on my own...... finally.
More Blogs
Wednesday Aug 25, 2004
ok, ok decay your 100% right.... kk last friday im minding my own bu… -
Tuesday Jul 27, 2004
ever feel like your going through a routine, just out of fear of chan… -
Monday Jul 12, 2004
what a shitty/rainy day its been. i just got home from work, a drive … -
Friday Jul 09, 2004
just got into another one of those stupid political debates last nigh… -
Friday Jul 02, 2004
where do i begin? its been almost a month since i posted here.... do… -
Tuesday Jun 08, 2004
just got my computer back... finally. havent been up to much lately, … -
Tuesday Jun 01, 2004
holy shit people its tuesday and its six in the morning. im heading t… -
Thursday May 20, 2004
funny thing, i got the cable bill today, usually bills piss me off bu… -
Monday May 17, 2004
good news today, i found out through a third party that heather and i… -
Saturday May 15, 2004
oi, last night was fucked up. my cousin came over to help me and my r…