Another week scratched away. So I am undertaking Emt-I/Advanced Emt which is normally a year long in a college enviroment in just 27 working days. I dont know what I was thinking. The first four days we covered 360 pages and then were tested on it. First trying to retain that much that fast is extremely difficult then i had to chose what info is gonna be on the test on day five. Well i made it thru the first test but now i start working in the ER/OR/ambulance all why in class. So everything i miss is on me to get caught up on. Well I hope the next week goes better.
More Blogs
Saturday Jun 25, 2011
So I have left Ft Campbell, no more ground pounding deployments with … -
Thursday Apr 14, 2011
sitting with my friend jim beam wondering if i am the only one who t… -
Wednesday Apr 13, 2011
So turns out patrolling with all the weight we have to carry has dest… -
Saturday Mar 19, 2011
Sitting at North Shore enjoying the great waves, weather, and Mai Tai… -
Friday Apr 09, 2010
So lost a Soldier Spc Johnaton Hall, 22, Fort Campbell died April 7th… -
Wednesday Feb 10, 2010
So not sure if anybody will actually read this but i appreciate the l… -
Friday Jan 29, 2010
SO i managed to ruin everything I had been working for in one stupid … -
Sunday Jan 03, 2010
So now i am approximately one month out from deploying again. I have … -
Wednesday Nov 25, 2009
so its been a minute since my last entry been wrapping up are trainin… -
Tuesday Oct 06, 2009
Thank God its over! No more Fort Polk I hate that place. I spend a mo…