So its been a few months since redeploying to the states. It has been good to see friends, family and once again be active in their lives. I might as well be still gone, dont get me wrong, It is nice to try to interact but all i know is Army. It seems that I am just a welcomed stranger observing these moments then actually belonging to these moments. I cant stand the ignorance or the self righteous attitude it seems the youth has adapted. Walking these kids no nothing of what it took and takes to give the opportunity to do what they want when the please, it sickens me to the core. When they finally do get called on being an oblivious idiot they have nothing but excuses of why they are this way or why they felt they could degrade society. Is this really what we have become. I also have been put on notice for my next deployment this time to the lofty altitudes that are the Kush Mountains of Afghanistan. So now it time to start training like there wont be a second chance to get it right.
More Blogs
Saturday Jun 25, 2011
So I have left Ft Campbell, no more ground pounding deployments with … -
Thursday Apr 14, 2011
sitting with my friend jim beam wondering if i am the only one who t… -
Wednesday Apr 13, 2011
So turns out patrolling with all the weight we have to carry has dest… -
Saturday Mar 19, 2011
Sitting at North Shore enjoying the great waves, weather, and Mai Tai… -
Friday Apr 09, 2010
So lost a Soldier Spc Johnaton Hall, 22, Fort Campbell died April 7th… -
Wednesday Feb 10, 2010
So not sure if anybody will actually read this but i appreciate the l… -
Friday Jan 29, 2010
SO i managed to ruin everything I had been working for in one stupid … -
Sunday Jan 03, 2010
So now i am approximately one month out from deploying again. I have … -
Wednesday Nov 25, 2009
so its been a minute since my last entry been wrapping up are trainin… -
Tuesday Oct 06, 2009
Thank God its over! No more Fort Polk I hate that place. I spend a mo…