So I have left Ft Campbell, no more ground pounding deployments with the infantry. Now I am in the sweltering southern Alabama base known as Ft Rucker. Working out of the rotary wing beast (Flight Medic). So next time I grace a battlefield it will be from above I will be the Dustoff.
sitting with my friend jim beam wondering if i am the only one who thinks like me....
wants to be something great but thinks in the impossible,,,
wants to be man without killing the kid inside
wants to be free but bound by contract
wants to be happy but burdened with loss and pessamissim
wants to know how to spell
wants to be something great but thinks in the impossible,,,
wants to be man without killing the kid inside
wants to be free but bound by contract
wants to be happy but burdened with loss and pessamissim
wants to know how to spell
I hear ya. But I spell well. lol 

hey thanks a lot for you cooment on my new set Baby blue this is so important for me

So turns out patrolling with all the weight we have to carry has destroyed my shoulder. Well my labrum to be specific. Now I need surgery to repair and the SF Doc I talked to say it took 18 months to fully recover..........
18 months wtf!!!! I can not do it till I PCS to ft rucker or i am stuck here...... I am not...
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18 months wtf!!!! I can not do it till I PCS to ft rucker or i am stuck here...... I am not...
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Sitting at North Shore enjoying the great waves, weather, and Mai Tai's!!!!!!!!!!!!
So lost a Soldier Spc Johnaton Hall, 22, Fort Campbell died April 7th 2010 Yosuf Kel, Afghanistan ied strike. Great human being, Solid Medic will be missed by all Markie Mark Rip...................
Sorry for your loss
So not sure if anybody will actually read this but i appreciate the ladies of suicide girls and would love to continue to follow but i have to deploy again and will be on restricted internet which totally blows! I wish i didnt have to leave my friends and family especially my daughter whom i adore even if she doesn't know it. I hope to...
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SO i managed to ruin everything I had been working for in one stupid moment. Good intentions do not count for anything. I am lost and have no idea where to go from here. It was finally working out what the fuck!
So now i am approximately one month out from deploying again. I have a lot of mixed emotions leaving for war again, some are the same as before, some are completely new. I think i am dealing with stress a little better then before, spent a lot more time with my family which we will see how that effects everyone. Different country, different role, same...
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thank you for adding me lovely x0
so its been a minute since my last entry been wrapping up are training for deployment, went to promotion board, and now enjoying some well deserved leave before deployment. I just wish are brigade commander didnt think running 10 miles wass a good way to celebrate damn my knees hurt. Hope i make points within the next decade deploying as a staff sergeant should would...
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Thank yo for the request, have a fun holidays! 

Thank God its over! No more Fort Polk I hate that place. I spend a month away from my Family and Friends for 7 days of war games. Nothing like fighting in the swamps to get ready for the mountainous country of afghanistan. Such a waste of time, money and assets. I just happy its behind me unfortunately that means deployment is yet again so...
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your comments is funny