So here it is block leave is over. Now back to the daily grind of the war machine. Only one new Soldier has arrived we where due eight. So one week of packing and last minute training to see if our preparation pays off. I personally think it gonna be a cluster fuck, but what do I truly know. The news in afghanistan is bleak...
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So signed out on block leave which is nice except it means that from when we sign back in everything starts moving full speed. It is the first nice and actually its gorgeous day in a long time, no freak thunderstorms its not a sweltering mess. Heading up to St. Louis spend so time with the parents and siblings. Counting crows are opening fair St...
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jejej thanks for your coment Oxxo

So maybe there is someone out there who can explain to me why man thinks he is so inevitably right. Why does one hold so tightly onto what they feel is the truth. Do we need to perceive this way in order to survive. Is this just an condition of man or does this exist in the animal world as well.....
thanks bb i hope like u my set....thanks for u comment and u support
no I think not 

Another week scratched away. So I am undertaking Emt-I/Advanced Emt which is normally a year long in a college enviroment in just 27 working days. I dont know what I was thinking. The first four days we covered 360 pages and then were tested on it. First trying to retain that much that fast is extremely difficult then i had to chose what info is...
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So its been a few months since redeploying to the states. It has been good to see friends, family and once again be active in their lives. I might as well be still gone, dont get me wrong, It is nice to try to interact but all i know is Army. It seems that I am just a welcomed stranger observing these moments then actually...
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