Feb. 14th. Yeah this is weeks later. Feh. A year ago on Feb 12th a friend of mine died in a car crash due to distracted driving. She swerved, bounced off a guardrail and right into the front of a delivery truck. Her 12yo daughter was in class. They lived across the hall from my apartment, I always heard them talking, laughing, or her ripping...
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Saturday night is an exciting time! Why am I up to? Why, I'm insulating my heating pipes in the basement! The ladies love this sort of thing. I'm sure of it! Uh...right?
I went to a new customers house at the end of the day 2 Fridays ago. Heat was out. Ok, check out the furnace in this tiny, cramped crawlspace. Unit was shot, could barely start. Today, we finished installing a new one for them, seeing the excitement and happy smiles makes it all worth it!
On standby this weekend and through Thursday. Had one call, this evening for a water leak. Sigh. Ok go down to the house, fix a cracked flare nut that the previous guy didn't notice?! They brewed some coffee up for me for my drive home, nice.
The baristas at the local coffee shop aren't as far as I know. They could be SG models, the right age range, lots of tattoos and multi colored hair. Don't wear much in the summer months, ironically I drink more coffee then go figure.
Can't ask, of course. There's no way to ask without coming across as a creepy weirdo so I'll stay with wondering.
After hearing someone that sounded a lot like a little kid running through my attic at 4am, I decided it was time to sage the house.
It had to be done anyway, after moving into a new house. Pesky spirits!